Optical Properties and Resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes
R. Saito 1, A. Grueneis1, A. Jorio2,4, A. G. Souza Filho2,3, M. S. Dresselhaus2, G. Dresselhaus2, Ge. G. Samsonidze2, L. G. Cancado4, M. A. Pimenta4In a fabricated nanotube device, non-destructive, quick characterization of the embedded nanotube is necessary. Resonance Raman spectroscopy makes it even possible to assign (n,m) values to a single nanotube by measuring at the same time different spectral features of a single nanotube on a Si substrate (See Keynote talk by M. S. Dresselhaus). We have investigated resonance Raman spectra of isolated nanotubes by micro-Raman experiments combined with theory. Here we discuss, from a theoretical point of view, the physics of Raman spectra for graphite and nanotubes which have been explored significantly by single nanotube measurements. In particular, we will discuss the optical absorption and corresponding resonance Raman intensity for first and second order resonance Raman processes. Dispersive Raman spectra are explained by a double resonance Raman process with a special relation between the wave vectors for electrons (k) and phonons (q). Time permitting, we will show the possibility for a new optical device made of a carbon nanotube.
R. Saito et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 027401 (2002).
A. G. Souza Filho et al., Phys. Rev. B 65, 085417 (2002).
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