Single Carbon Nanotube Spectroscopy
M. S. Dresselhaus1, R. Saito2, A. Jorio1,3, A. G. Souza Filho4, G. Dresselhaus1, Ge. G. Samsonidze1, M. A. Pimenta3Raman spectroscopy has provided an important characterization tool for single wall carbon nanotube bundles, yielding information on nanotube diameters and distinguishing between metallic and semiconducting nanotubes. The large density of electronic states for one-dimensional (1D) systems and the strong electron-phonon coupling under resonance conditions allows observation of the Raman spectra from one individual single wall carbon nanotube, when the incident or scattered photon is in resonance with a 1D singularity in the joint density of states (JDOS). Since every nanotube has a unique set of singularities at energies Eii in the joint density of states which can be probed by resonance Raman scattering, this technique can be used to deduce the diameter and chirality of individual nanotubes. The significance of single nanotube spectroscopy on nanotube research is discussed.
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Monday, 03-Apr-2006 14:17:07 EDT