On the stability of SiOx based Nanotubes
G. Seifert1, Th. Koehler2, Th. Frauenheim2We report about the stability and the properties of novel SiOx-nanotubes and SiOx-Carbon composite nanotubes. Tubular structures of SiOx (x<2) are constructed by a conformal mapping of two-dimensional layer structures onto a surface of a cylinder. The stability of these tubes is investigated using density-functional based methods. Furthermore, possible decorations of carbon nanotubes with SiOx-layers are discussed. The different possibilities for the SiO-C interface in such nanocomposites are analysed. The results of the theoretical studies are compared with data of recent experimental investigations for such systems.
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Monday, 03-Apr-2006 14:17:40 EDT