Laser Spinning of Nanotubes: A path to fast-rotating microdevices
Petr Kral (1) and H. R. SadeghpourWe show that circularly polarized light can spin C nanotubes with GHz frequencies. In this method, we hold a single nanotube in a laser trap, and excite it by a weak beam of circularly polarized infrared photons. The photon energy and angular momentum is resonantly absorbed by infrared -active nanotube phonons, which propagate on the tube circumpherence and can carry the angular momentum. The phonons then transfer the angular momentum to the tube body in ``umklapp" scattering processes, when they decay into pairs of acoustical phonons. We investigate the experimental realization of this ultrafast nanotube rotation, and discuss its possible applications to rotating microdevices, like nano-motors, centrifuges or stabilizers. We also present recent results related to other problems, which we have recently studied in nanotubes.
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Monday, 03-Apr-2006 14:17:48 EDT