Mechanical stability of collapsed nanotubes on a surface
Stefan Andreev, David ReichmanWe have simulated the effect of applying lateral stress to nanotubes of different diameters lying on a graphite surface. When enough stress is applied, it is found that tubes with diameter of more than 2 nm can collapse and remain collapsed even when the stress is removed. The barrier heights and rates of tube opening are investigated. When a metallic tube is collapsed, a band gap could be induced in the collapsed region. Thus, collapsing one side of the tube with the other kept open would provide a natural junction of a metallic and semiconducting component. Simulations are performed of an AFM tip pressing laterally on a nanotube lying on a surface, which might be an easily accessible experimental method for applying lateral pressure on nanotubes lying on a surface.
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Monday, 03-Apr-2006 14:17:49 EDT