Log Number: 12
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Impulse Heating an Intercalated Compound: Additional Studies

Thomas J. Manning1, Joseph Stach2, and Thomas Vickers3

1 Valdosta State University
2 Advanced Energy
3 Florida State University
Contact e-mail: tmanning@valdosta.edu

Graphite has been used as the primary starting material in electrical discharges for the production of carbon nanotubes. We have demonstrated that the intercalated compound fluorinated graphite can be impulsed heated (25oC to 5,000oC) in 10 milliseconds to form 2-4 nm nanotubes. The nanotubes are present in carbon soot which can be described as exfoliated graphite. Subsequent treatment of the exfoliated graphite with Fe or Ni enhances the formation of nanotubular structures that are 8-14 nm wide. TEM, SEM, Raman, CHN analysis, and BET surface analysis are used to analyze the material. We believe this general approach holds promise for making tubes of significant length.

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