Log Number: 15
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

A simple, reliable technique for making electrical contact to multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Elton Graugnard, Brian Walsh*, Pedro J. dePablo***, S. Datta*, R.P. Andres**, R. Reifenberger

Dept. of Physics, *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engr., **Dept. of Chem. Engr. Purdue Univ., ***Dept. Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Contact e-mail: elton@physics.purdue.edu

A simple method of making reliable electrical contact to multi-walled carbon nanotubes is described. With these contacts, current in the mA range can be routinely passed through individual multi-walled nanotubes without adverse consequences, thus allowing their resistance to be measured using a common multimeter. The contacts are robust enough to withstand temperature excursions between room temperature and 4.2 K. I(V) data from different multi-walled nanotubes are presented and analyzed.

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