Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in multiwalled carbon nanotubes
A. Bachtold1, C. Schonenberger1, C. Strunk1, J.P. Salvetat2, L. Forro2Electrical transport has been studied through single multi-walled carbon nanotubes attached to nanofabricated metal contacts. The observation of universal conductance fluctuations and one dimensional weak-localisation shows that transport is governed by quantum diffusion. Since a nanotube may be viewed as a conducting cylinder, a very interesting situation arises for the longitudinal magnetic field alignment in which magnetic flux penetrates the cylinder: the resistance is observed to oscillate with the field due to the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect. In addition to the AB oscillation with period h/2e, a new type of AB oscillations has been discovered. The elastic-scattering length, which is determined for the first time, shows that our nanotubes are quasi-ballistic conductors. Tunneling spectroscopy, in which a pronounced zero-bias anomaly is found, as well as the temperature dependence of the resistance point to the importance of long-range Coulomb interactions in these low-dimensional systems.
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