Log Number: 34
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Conductance measurements of metallic single-walled nanotubes

David H. Cobden, J. Nygard and P. E. Lindelof

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Contact e-mail: cobden@fys.ku.dk

In the first generation of electronic devices based on singled-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) the contact resistance always dominated the conductance. Even so, it was possible to study a variety of fascinating electronic phenomena occuring in the tubes, including the formation of a Luttinger liquid in metallic tubes. We have now found that highly conductive contacts can be achieved, though not yet guaranteed, simply by evaporating gold directly onto the SWNTs. This allows one to study transport along the nanotube (or rope of nanotubes) itself, rather than simply the tunneling of electrons in and out of it from the contacts. We will also report measurements of metallic transport and quantum dots formed in gated free-standing SWNTs.

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