Log Number: 43
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Growth and Morphology of Boron Carbide Nanowires

D.N. McIlroy, Daqing Zhang, Y Kranov, M. Grant Norton*

Department of Physics, University of Idaho,
*Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University
Contact e-mail: d@uidaho.edumcilroy

Single crystal and amorphous boron carbide nanowires have been grown using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The growth of the nanowires is due to the presence of an Fe catalyst which promotes growth according to the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. Furthermore, it can be shown that the growth rate of the nanowires will dictate their structure, i.e. single crystal or amorphous. It can also be shown that the diameter of the nanowires can be tailored through control of the diameter of the catalytic droplet. These results suggest that through careful control of the growth conditions boron carbide nanowires with specific mechanical and electrical properties can be tailored for specific technological applications. Specifics of the growth of boron carbide nanowires and their potential technological applications and integration into nanodevices will be addressed.

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