Log Number: 44
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Adsorption of Methane on SWNT's

S.E.Weber1, S.Talapatra1, C.Journet2 and A.D.Migone1

1 Department of Physics,Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Carbondale IL 62901
2 Max-Plank-intitut fuer Festkoerperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70 569 Stuttgart, Germany.
Contact e-mail: aldo@physics.siu.edu

There is increasing interest in the study of adsorption of simple molecular gases on SWNT's. Much of this interest has been spurred by the possibility of using SWNT's for the storage of hydrogen. Recent calculations have shown that the ground state energy and the amount of gas adsorbed at low pressures are much larger (for several different gases) on the interstitial channels between the SWNT's, than on the surface of planar graphite. We have conducted adsorption isotherm measurements of methane on SWNT's, at low coverages, for temperatures between 130 and 185 K. From these data we obtained the isosteric heat of adsorption on the nanotubes. The low coverage isosteric heat is directly related to the ground state energy of the adsorbate. We found a value for the ground state energy which is 80% larger on the nanotubes relative to its value on planar graphite.

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