Log Number: 47
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Ar ion shower effect on carbon nanotube growth by microwave plasma enhanced CVD

I.T. Han1, N.S. Lee1, Y.S. Woo2, S.W. Lee3 , and J.M. Kim1

1 Display Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
2 Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
3 Dept of Physics, Myongji Univ.

Contact e-mail: ithan@sait.samsung.co.kr

Multi-wall carbon nanotube (CNT) of 20nm diameter was grown on Ni coated glass substrate by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method. Tube inner diameter and interlayer distance are about 5 nm and 0.37 nm respectively. 60% of methane in ammonia gas was used to deposit CNT film. Optical emission spectra showed that methane-ammonia system was good for amorphous carbon phase etching. The ion shower of the Ni layer with Ar rf plasma increased CNT density on substrate. Ion shower before CNT deposition did not change the thickness and surface morphology of Ni seed layer. The clusters formed after the CNT deposition was analyzed by EDS and it was proved that the clusters were consisted with Ni. This result was interpreted by the Ni property variation effect on CNT growth.

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