Log Number: 48
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotubes by reduction of oxide solid solutions

Ch. Laurent, E. Flahaut, A. Peigney, R. R. Bacsa, A. Rousset

Laboratoire de Chimie des Matiriaux Inorganiques, ESA CNRS 5070, Universite Paul-Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Contact e-mail: laurent@iris.ups-tlse.fr

Carbon nanotubes are prepared by a catalytic method based on the reduction of solid solutions between a non-reducible oxide (Al2O3, MgO, MgAl2O4) and transition metal (Fe, Co, Ni) oxide(s). The reduction in H2-CH4 produces very small transition metal nanoparticles at a relatively high temperature. The decomposition of CH4 over the freshly formed metal (alloy) nanoparticles prevents their further growth thus resulting in a very strong proportion of SWNTs and small MWNTs (2-3 walls). The best results are obtained using Co or Fe/Co alloy as a catalyst. In addition to electron microscopy, a method has been developed in order to characterize the materials at a macroscopical level. It is possible to prepare dense materials from the CNTs-metal-oxide powders or to separate the CNTs from the metal and oxide grains. This catalytic route offers a great potential for scaling-up.

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