Log Number: 64
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Growth of well-aligned nanotube films on various substrates

Z. Ya. Kosakovskaya

Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS
Contact e-mail: tube@mail.cplire.ru

The process of nanotube film growth was studied on different stages: generation, coalescence and growth itself. The influence of carbon flux density, temperature and substrate materials on a structure and morphology of a nanotube film, which was formed by vacuum electron beam evaporation of graphite, was studied experimentally. For various substrates the optimal conditions for nanotube film formation were determined. The correlation between substrate atomic composition and nanotube structure was discovered. Using the obtained results and calculations from kinetic equation for film growth on a singular face the phase diagram is diffident. The kinetic model for film growth on a singular surface was developed. It is shown that the formation of three-dimensional fetus of nanotube occurs in an over-saturated steam phase near substrate surface by dynamical self-organization of structure. This self-organization occurs at the phase trasition and was controlled by the principle of minimum energy production. It was discovered that the over-saturated steam phase time-of-life depends on substrate material and determines the finish nanotube structure. It is shown that single-wall nanotubes more aptitude to association than multi-wall nanotube. The developing kinetic model allows to optimize parametres of nanotube formation process without metallic catalytic particles.
This work was supported by RFBR grant # 98-02-17130.

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