Log Number: 9
Abstract Submitted to the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

Angle dependence of fluorescence yield for carbon nanotubes

L.G. Bulusheva1, A.V. Okotrub1, A.V. Gusel'ikov1, A.V. Antich2

1 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, pr. Ak. Lavrenteva 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
2 Novosibirsk State University, ul. Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Contact e-mail: bul@che.nsk.su

X-ray emission of textured graphite has the angle dependence, that allow to separate the pi- and sigma-electron contribution to the valence band. Yield of fluorescence from carbon nanotubes was measured for two orientation of the sample relative to the direction of X-ray emission. The sample was prepared from the inner part of the deposit forming in the arc-discharge setup and contained about of 90% multiwall carbon nanotubes. The differences between CKa spectra of nanotubes are not so considerable as for spectra of graphite. The widths of pi- and sigma- valence bands for carbon nanotubes was determined from the quantum-chemical simulation of experimental data.

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