NT99 Logo
International Workshop on the
Science and Application of Nanotubes

East Lansing, Michigan, USA, July 24-27, 1999


Once you have registered, you may submit an abstract of your contribution electronically:

Is this a New Abstract?
If NO: Enter Log Number
(Check HERE for Log Numbers)

Affiliation(s) of the Author(s):
Title of the Presentation:
Contact e-mail address:
Text of your abstract
(as plain text or HTML;
maximum length:
1000 characters;
type RETURN at end of line):

Submitted abstracts are NOT posted automatically!

*** Registration Deadline Extended to:
15-Jun-1999 ***

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For further information contact: tomanek@nanoten.com.

Document https://nanoten.com/conf-org/NT99/nt99-abstract1.html
has been visited [an error occurred while processing this directive] times since 30 November 1998.
Last update:   2020.07.24 (Friday) 15:16:22 EDT