International Workshop on the
Science and Application of Nanotubes

East Lansing, Michigan, USA, July 24-27, 1999

Informal Part of the Workshop

July 24-25, 1999

During the first two days of the workshop, participants will have the possibility to present their results and to discuss them in the context of the field. The format is evolving, and suggestions are encouraged.

So far, most colleagues agreed that the "Poster Plus" format for all contributions optimizes exchange of ideas in very different fields, without resorting to parallel session. Contributions will be subdivided into thematic sessions/blocks, containing theoretical and experimental contributions:

These topics will be refined according to the number of contributions and interest. Ample time will be devoted to presentations and their discussion.

These thematic sessions will be organized as follows.

The objective will be to establish what is the state-of-the-art, which are the most urgent problems, and which research areas are most actively explored in each particular field.

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For further information contact: tomanek@nanoten.com.

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