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Post-A-Topic Form

What keeps scientists excited about Nanotubes is the large number of unsolved problems in this field. To find a solution to some of these problems is what probably motivates your research. Share with your colleagues what you find to be an important and interesting problem, and your thoughts and results about this problem.

We encourage you to post what you consider important questions that motivate your research in an attractive (possibly even provocative or exaggerated) way. The same way, please feel free to suggest other important discussion topics relevant to the field of Nanotubes. Your comments may contain links to other (non-commercial!) web sites, or point to your abstract at the NT-99. We encourage you also to comment on previously posted discussion topics

Let us illustrate what we mean by a "discussion topic" relevant to nanotubes:
"Why are nanotubes not superconducting?"
The various responses to this (or any other) question can be accessed by clicking on the question in the list of previously posted discussion topics.

Is this a New Topic?
If NO: Enter Log Number of Topic You Are Addressing
(Check HERE for Log Numbers)

Discussion Topic (Question):
Affiliation(s) of the Author(s) (Acronyms):
Contact e-mail address:
Text of your contribution
(as plain text or HTML;
maximum length:
1000 characters):
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For further information contact: tomanek@nanoten.com.

This document at the URL https://nanoten.com/conf-org/NT99/nt99-post-a-puzzle.html
has been visited [an error occurred while processing this directive] times since 30 November 1998.
Last update:   2020.07.24 (Friday) 15:16:34 EDT