Visa Information

Recent changes in the immigration laws mean that it is important to enter the country with the right status if you are to be reimbursed for any of your expenses by a U.S. institution. Information can be found at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection pages. It is important that you tell the immigration officer at the port of entry that you are entering on business as "Visitor for Business". This also applies if you are coming from a country which is part of the "Visa Waiver Program" and do not need to obtain a visa ahead of time. In any case, you must register in the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) before your travel. Useful information is also available at the web pages of Immigration Direct.

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For further information contact: tomanek@nanoten.com.

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has been visited  [an error occurred while processing this directive]  times since 21 January 1999.
Last update: 2020.07.24 (Friday) 15:16:42 EDT