Proceedings of the NANOTUBE-99 Workshop has appeared as a separate volume entitled "Science and Application of Nanotubes" in the Fundamental Materials Research Series, published by Kluwer Academic Press. For the discounted order form click HERE.
The hardcover edition of "Science and Application of Nanotubes" has appeared early March, 2000, and can be ordered from Kluwer.
Please make sure that your camera-ready copy is between 14 and 20 pages in length, and please follow the directions from Kluwer Academic Press. We have allotted this generous page count to accommodate the multitude of visual material that is so important in this field. Your contribution can contain material of tutorial or review nature. Also, the title does not have to correpsond exactly to that of your presentation at the meeting. We want this volume to document the wide range of topics at the leading edge of the field of Nanotubes. We request that you turn in your camera-ready manuscript at the beginning of the Workshop in East Lansing on Saturday, July 24, 1999.
All invited speakers and selected contributors will have their manuscripts published. In order to be included you must submit a camera-ready manuscript which adheres to the following specifications:
These instructions are accompanied by
You may alternately request a hard copy of these instructions by sending an e-mail message to Mrs. Janet King at To facilitate her work, please write down your full address in a way that can be used directly for a mailing label, and mention that you request the "Alpha Form" for preparing a camera-ready manuscript.
We expect that you will use a word processor (we definitely prefer LATeX) to prepare your camera-ready manuscript, and encourage you to submit your manuscript electronically as an attached file (please refer in your submission to your abstract number). This will facilitate keyword indexing. Still, it is your camera-ready copy that will be used to generate the Proceedings volume.
To help you with the preparation of your camera-ready manuscript in LATeX, we have made our own stylefile, wkshp.sty, with an accompanying example LATeX manuscript file, wkshp.tex. With care they can be used to generate good camera-ready articles. If you could not download these files easily from the web, you can also download them using anonymous ftp from (after logging in, type cd pub/tomanek/nt99 , then get wkshp.sty, then get wkshp.tex )
(Kluwer Academic Publishers (KAP) offers "official" stylefiles and templates on the KAP web page. Some have found their Word templates to be buggy, but they may work for you. Others have found their LaTeX stylefiles to not work on some systems.)
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