Can the Tethered Space Elevator be constructed using Nanotubes?
Ken EldridgeThis is an old science fiction idea that has a chance at science fact. Arthur C. Clark ( Author of 2001 ) discusses how space travel would be revolutionized by employing a TSE ( tethered space elevator ).
Capture a near Earth-asteroid in geostationary orbit, a distance 22,236 miles from the surface of the Earth. By using a cable to "link" the asteroid to the Earth a space elevator is created.
One obvious challenge is with the material used for the cabling. Until nanotubes, there really has not been a material up to the job. Now that we can crate nanotubes in the lab, we have to overcome the technology challenges that are between current outp ut and mass production.
Millions of dollars will need to be pumped into this project in order for it to see the light of day. I have set a goal for myself. By the year 2035 this planet will have a functional TSE.
I do not plan on doing all the research myself. I will be hiring people who not only share my passion, but who have the expertise that I will need. If history has proven anything it is that any goal will be achieved if enough time and money are thrown at it. The TSE will be no different.
Is there anyone else out there who is working on this?
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