2nd Workshop on the Application Potential of Low-Temperature Fuel Cells
Leo DubalCollege of Engineering of Central Switzerland, Horw-Lucerne, Switzerland,
Monday June 21st, 1999, 9:00 - 17:30 h
Organisation : Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne
: limited (50 )Fees: none.
Travel & Accommodation responsibility of the participants*)
*) The Workshop is synchronised with the International Conference "Portable Fuel Cells" in Lucerne.
Please use the Hotel Registration Form of the Conference
The Workshop will be focussed on the "
Technical Obstacles to Market Entry". It will address the problem of Fuelling Portable Fuel Cells and of the appropriate research strategies concerning: Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures, Fuel storage in cartridge (disposable vs. reusable), Safety aspect related to fuel (open air vs. in-door), Fuel quality (reducing CO-content), Air blowing, etc.One novel application will be highlighted at the workshop, i.e. Portable Fuel Cell of 100W & 300 W to propel light electrical pleasure boats. A demonstration will take place on the Lake of Lucerne.
Very Provisional Programme:
(10=92to15=92 presentation & 15=92discussion)9:00-12:00 Technical details or major issues: L.Dubal/OFEN-Berne
Experience & Activities in H2 storage: A. Züttel, L. Schlapbach & co-workers/Fribourg University
Evaluation of Nanostructure H2-Storage Capability: R. Nesper /ETH-Zürich
H2-storage in nanofibers: N. Rodriguez /NorthEastern University
Coffee Break
Fuelling Mobile Fuel Cells activities: E.Newson /PSI-Villigen
Experience in H2 storage and conditioning: S. Roth/ MPI-Stuttgart
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:30 Ergonomic Powerpack
Silencing Air blowers:
"Greener" Membranes:
The 12 Volts threshhold:
Powering light boats: F. Affolter/EINEV-Yverdon
16:30 Departure for the Lakeshore
17:00-17:30 Demonstration of Hydroxy100/300
and boatshuttle back to Lucerne
Head, Fuel Cells & Rechargeable Batteries R&D
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