Log Number: 4.5.1
Discussion Topic Posted for the NT-99-Logo NANOTUBE-99 Workshop:

2nd Workshop on the Application Potential of Low-Temperature Fuel Cells

Leo Dubal

Contact e-mail: leo.dubal@bfe.admin.ch

College of Engineering of Central Switzerland, Horw-Lucerne, Switzerland,

Monday June 21st, 1999, 9:00 - 17:30 h

Organisation : Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne

Attendance: limited (50 )

Fees: none.

Travel & Accommodation responsibility of the participants*)

*) The Workshop is synchronised with the International Conference "Portable Fuel Cells" in Lucerne.

Please use the Hotel Registration Form of the Conference


The Workshop will be focussed on the "Technical Obstacles to Market Entry". It will address the problem of Fuelling Portable Fuel Cells and of the appropriate research strategies concerning: Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures, Fuel storage in cartridge (disposable vs. reusable), Safety aspect related to fuel (open air vs. in-door), Fuel quality (reducing CO-content), Air blowing, etc.

One novel application will be highlighted at the workshop, i.e. Portable Fuel Cell of 100W & 300 W to propel light electrical pleasure boats. A demonstration will take place on the Lake of Lucerne.

Very Provisional Programme: (10=92to15=92 presentation & 15=92discussion)

9:00-12:00 Technical details or major issues: L.Dubal/OFEN-Berne

Experience & Activities in H2 storage: A. Züttel, L. Schlapbach & co-workers/Fribourg University

Evaluation of Nanostructure H2-Storage Capability: R. Nesper /ETH-Zürich

H2-storage in nanofibers: N. Rodriguez /NorthEastern University

Coffee Break

Fuelling Mobile Fuel Cells activities: E.Newson /PSI-Villigen

Experience in H2 storage and conditioning: S. Roth/ MPI-Stuttgart

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:30 Ergonomic Powerpack

Silencing Air blowers:

"Greener" Membranes:

The 12 Volts threshhold:

Powering light boats: F. Affolter/EINEV-Yverdon

16:30 Departure for the Lakeshore


17:00-17:30 Demonstration of Hydroxy100/300

and boatshuttle back to Lucerne



Head, Fuel Cells & Rechargeable Batteries R&D

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