Are nanotubes the best system for hydrogen storage?
Christoph Nuetzenadel
Hello everybody,
the site with this discussion topic has received very often but
unfortunately there are no contributions so far. I try to stimulate
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I am working in a research group where we focus basically on metal hydrides. When I read the article in 'New Scientist' where Rodriguez and Baker claimed that very high amounts of hydrogen can be stored in nanotubes indeed I thought that nanotubes can be the 'best system for hydrogen storage'. That made us starting our work. First it was difficult to find good samples. Gas phase or electrochemical measurements need relatively large amounts of nanotubes. We are still looking for good highly purified nanotubes and everyone who would be able to provide us samles is strongly invited to contact me. A short summary of our results in Fribourg, Switzerland:
[1] A.C. Dillon, Nature 386: 6623 (MAR 27 1997) 377
Ch. Nuetzenadel, Electrochem. and Solid State Lett. 2 (1) 30, 1999
Visit also our homepage:
4.1. "Hydrogen Storage in Nanotubes -
Report from the IWEPNM'98 Workshop"
by David Tomanek
4.2. "Modeling of hydrogen adsorption in nanotubes
and nanofibers"
by J. Karl Johnson
4.4. "Nanotubes for Hydrogen Storage"
by Ken Eldridge
4.5. "Hydrogen Storage for Portable Fuel Cells"
by L. Dubal and R. Nesper
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