C46 Isomers
Click on the image for the .xyz coordinate file.
./C46/C46-C2-1.png .png .png ./C46/C46-C1-4.png ./C46/C46-C1-5.png ./C46/C46-C1-6.png .png ./C46/C46-Cs-8.png
C46 (C2) #1

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=33.218 eV

C46 () C46 () C46 (C1) #4

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.706 eV

C46 (C1) #5

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.669 eV

C46 (C1) #6

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=32.698 eV

C46 () C46 (Cs) #8

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.550 eV

./C46/C46-C2-9.png ./C46/C46-Cs-10.png .png ./C46/C46-C2-12.png ./C46/C46-Cs-13.png ./C46/C46-C1-14.png ./C46/C46-C1-15.png ./C46/C46-C1-16.png
C46 (C2) #9 C46 (Cs) #10

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.849 eV

C46 () C46 (C2) #12

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=29.818 eV

C46 (Cs) #13

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=29.203 eV

C46 (C1) #14

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.213 eV

C46 (C1) #15

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=32.917 eV

C46 (C1) #16

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=31.086 eV

.png ./C46/C46-C1-18.png ./C46/C46-C1-19.png .png .png .png ./C46/C46-C1-23.png ./C46/C46-C1-24.png
C46 () C46 (C1) #18 C46 (C1) #19

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.242 eV

C46 () C46 () C46 () C46 (C1) #23

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=29.064 eV

C46 (C1) #24

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=29.163 eV

.png .png ./C46/C46-C1-27.png ./C46/C46-Cs-28.png .png .png .png ./C46/C46-C2-32.png
C46 () C46 () C46 (C1) #27 C46 (Cs) #28

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=31.220 eV

C46 () C46 () C46 () C46 (C2) #32
./C46/C46-Cs-33.png ./C46/C46-C1-34.png .png .png ./C46/C46-C1-37.png ./C46/C46-Cs-38.png ./C46/C46-C2v-39.png ./C46/C46-Cs-40.png
C46 (Cs) #33

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=31.188 eV

C46 (C1) #34 C46 () C46 () C46 (C1) #37

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.790 eV

C46 (Cs) #38 C46 (C2v) #39

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.890 eV

C46 (Cs) #40
./C46/C46-Cs-41.png .png .png .png .png ./C46/C46-C1-46.png .png ./C46/C46-C1-48.png
C46 (Cs) #41

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.075 eV

C46 () C46 () C46 () C46 () C46 (C1) #46

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.776 eV

C46 () C46 (C1) #48
.png ./C46/C46-C1-50.png .png .png ./C46/C46-C2-53.png ./C46/C46-C2-54.png ./C46/C46-C1-55.png ./C46/C46-C1-56.png
C46 () C46 (C1) #50

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=29.485 eV

C46 () C46 () C46 (C2) #53

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.774 eV

C46 (C2) #54

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.228 eV

C46 (C1) #55

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.537 eV

C46 (C1) #56

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=30.287 eV

.png ./C46/C46-C1-58.png .png ./C46/C46-C1-60.png ./C46/C46-C1-61.png .png ./C46/C46-C1-63.png .png
C46 () C46 (C1) #58 C46 () C46 (C1) #60 C46 (C1) #61 C46 () C46 (C1) #63 C46 ()
./C46/C46-Cs-65.png .png ./C46/C46-C1-67.png ./C46/C46-C1-68.png
C46 (Cs) #65

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.243 eV

C46 () C46 (C1) #67

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=27.822 eV

C46 (C1) #68

Total strain energy
(continuum elasticity)=28.668 eV

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