Spiral Generator

Generate a spiral of Ns unit cells from one input unit cell

Written by Garrett King at Michigan State University.

Spiralgen takes an xyz input file describing one unit cell, oriented along the x-axis, and first transforms it into a segment of a circle of radius R, centered at the origin. It then replicates this unit cell into Ns cells, displacing adjacent cells by Δz along the wall of a cylinder of the same radius R, with its axis being the z-axis. This results in a spiral structure with radius R.

The output is an xyz file of the spiral.

Atom to Monatomic Chain:


Monatomic Spiral
  Input parameters:
R=5.0, Δz=0.5, L=1.4, Ns=25

Rectangle to Spiral Staircase:


  Input parameters:
R=7.5, Δz=1.4, L=1.4, Ns=25

P10 unit cell to P10 Spiral:


P10 Spiral
  Input parameters:
R=25.0, Δz=0.5, L=6.555, Ns=100

Generate your own spiral

xyz file of unit cell (you can overwrite the following sample file):
Average spiral radius R(Å):
Vertical displacement between adjacent unit cells Δz(Å):
Distance between unit cells L(Å):
Number of unit cells Ns:

Webpage Constructed and Maintained by Garrett King

Page Last Updated: 04/20/2017 at 11:16 am EST