Report of Homework #1 Guru Date, time, place: No meeting. How many students attended the discussion: -- My experience about this discussion: -- How to improve the experience: -- Report of Homework #2 Guru Date, time, place: Jan 21th, 2020, 4:30 pm to 5:10 pm at the Physics help room. How many students attended the discussion: 3. All registered students attended. My experience about this discussion: The discussion went well. The first and the fourth problem are quite straightforward. No one had questions on these two. We had a little discussion on the second about what the subscript n means. We spent most of the time on the third problem for that the first part of the question has not been introduced in class. We tried to take different λs, the theorem is still valid. For the second part, we discussed about using l2 as lambda to solve the question, but it seems that it is not worth trying because using l is mathematically simple and intuitive. How to improve the experience: The discussion was generally good. The third problem has quite a lot of information in it. I think it would be better if I have first learned the theorem and be better prepared for those questions concerning the choice of lambda. Report of Homework #3 Guru Date, time, place: Tuesday afternoon from 4:00-5:30 PM How many students attended the discussion: All three of us showed up at the HW discussion. My experience about this discussion: We really struggled on understanding this HW assignment. I listed the questions that we had when discussed each problem Problem#1
Problem#3 Problem#4 How to improve the experience: -- The guru should solve the homework beforehand. Homework is not so easy that no preparation is needed. It may take a few hours to prepare. The guru should think about how to solve the homework and consult books and homework solutions if need be. If there are still questions, the guru should contact the instructor before the guru session. He/she should instruct, not confuse others if possible. Report of Homework #4 Guru Date, time, place: Feb 4th 2020, 4:00-5:25 pm, Physics help room How many students attended the discussion: Three, all students attended. My experience about this discussion: The discussion went really well, we solved all the problems we met in the homework. In the first question, we calculate <M> and find χ should be 8nμB2/3(kBT) instead of 4nμB2/3(kBT), which means that the solution gets the right answer but different from the question required. In the second question, we realized we can replace all the me to mμ, then get the right answer.In the third question,we find that at the point of x=R/2 or -R/2, the ψ(x) are not differentiable. They can be dropped. How to improve the experience: We realize that most of the questions need to calculate integral, which requires us to practice more on it. Report of Homework #5 Guru Date, time, place: Tuesday afternoon from 4:30-6:00 PM How many students attended the discussion: All three of us. My experience about this discussion: This homework assignment is pretty straight forward, so we did not have much problems to it. the only hard part was 5.2(b), where it took some time to figure out the unit cell volume. But the rest about constructing Brillouin zone was already discussed in class clearly. And one typo was found on the solution for 5.3. We came up with a question that was not related to the homework problem: what factors that effect NaCl to have a FCC structure? How to improve the experience: It probably a little bit more helpful if we can all look at some of the commonly seen chemicals and ask ourselves to identify the type of Bravais vectors it posses as a practice. Report of Homework #6 Guru Date, time, place: March 10, 2020, 4:20 pm to 5:00 pm at the Physics help room. How many students attended the discussion: 3. All registered students attended. My experience about this discussion: The discussion went well as the questions are pretty straight forward. For the first question, we went through the calculation for 1D case in part ii), as the result was slightly different from what we copied in notes. For the second question, we discussed the reason why 3He has spin 3/2, and whether bosons have fermi energy (we decided that we think not because they follow a different distribution). For question 3, we discussed the physical meaning of zero point pressure. We also found that question 2 and 3 look alike but they are calculating fermi energy for different particles (one for 3He and another for electrons) and thus uses different mass in the calculation. How to improve the experience: It was good. I cannot think of a way to improve it. Report of Homework #7 Guru Date, time, place: March 23, 2020, 11:00 pm to 11:50 pm at the zoom. How many students attended the discussion: 3. All of us attended. My experience about this discussion: We solved all of the problems. In the first problem, by the equation of v and E, we get the relationship between them and finally we can use it to get σ. By the result of problem 2, we can see that there are other gaps between ψ1 and ψ3, ψ4, and so on. How to improve the experience: It was really good,it will be better if we are used to zoom. Report of Homework #8 Guru Date, time, place: -- How many students attended the discussion: -- My experience about this discussion: -- How to improve the experience: -- Report of Homework #9 Guru Date, time, place: -- How many students attended the discussion: -- My experience about this discussion: -- How to improve the experience: -- Report of Homework #10 Guru Date, time, place: -- How many students attended the discussion: -- My experience about this discussion: -- How to improve the experience: -- Report of the Final Exam Guru Date, time, place:
How many students attended the discussion:
My experience about this discussion:
How to improve the experience: