International Workshop on the
International Advisory Committee:
ScopeNanotubes belong to a class of materials which – owing to their quasi one-dimensional structure – exhibit a variety of fascinating properties and offer a diversity of issues for research of both fundamental and practical interest. This meeting will bring leading scientists in the area of nanotube science together to evaluate past and define future trends of this exciting field. The workshop will address progress at the frontiers of fundamental as well as applied research and will allow participants to exchange ideas and results of their latest work in an informal atmosphere. Topics
receiving special attention include:
Format of the WorkshopThe meeting is intended to facilitate informal interaction between theoretical and experimental scientists who are actively working in this field. To preserve an informal character and to avoid parallel sessions, the number of attendees will be limited to 140. The format will be very similar to the Nanotube ‘99 meeting in Michigan. 23 oral presentations by invited speakers will be acompanied by 4 extended poster-PLUS sessions in the afternoons. All participants are strongly encouraged to contribute a poster and a brief oral introduction. Nanotube 2001 is generously supported by: