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Closing the Gap between Academia and Industry

  • The Scientific community knows about about new discoveries, but is mostly unaware of potential applications.
  • The Applications community knows about specific needs, but is mostly unaware of potential solutions.
  • A Communication gap separates the communities that apparently speak different languages.
  • nanoTEN Nanotechnology Consulting connects the two sides by a nanoBridge.

Who Will Bring You Nanotechnology News?

Fundamental discoveries in Nanotechnology may have a bigger impact on Society than Everyday News. Why are they not reported?

Journalists are skilled in transforming Everyday News that everyone understands to an attractive news article within few hours. To achieve this for Nanotechnology News is nearly impossible without specific training. So -- how and how fast is Nanotechnology News spread?

Scientists report their discoveries in peer-reviewed scientific journals and at scientific conferences within typically one year.

Science writers typically learn about important discoveries with a 1-2 years delay. To gain insight, they contact experts in the field and ask questions to get a consistent story. Without scientific education, fundamental discoveries are hard to grasp not only for the public, but even for science writers. This is even more apparent in Nanotechnology, where the behavior of nanometer-sized objects is dominated by their quantum nature in often counter-intuitive ways. Writing an attractive story requires deep understanding and journalistic skills. The two coexist rarely, so that published articles are more attractive than accurate.

Only some discoveries are deemed newsworthy, whereas others are never reported in nonscientific journals. Public Relations departments at Universities and Research Institutions, on the other hand, try to advertise results from their institution to gain recognition. Outside the scientific community, it is hard to obtain an informed, unbiased opinion about the value of Nanotechnology discoveries for applications.

The 2-4 year time delay between an important discovery and its reporting to the public is not acceptable for the Applications community that is searching for rapid solutions for particular problems.

It is not easy to locate an informed, unbiased opinion from leading Scientists in Nanotechnology. Identifying problems and providing useful advice takes time. Competence is the key asset of advisers.

The founder of nanoTEN, Dr. David Tománek, is one of the pioneers of Computational Nanotechnogogy, which dates back to the late 1980's. He has been promoting not only cutting-edge research, but also its application.

Ask yourself:

  • Are you searching for unusual solutions to specific problems?
  • How much would independent expert advice be worth to you?
  • Can you afford to stay uninformed and lose your competitive edge?