Survey of Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics
Spring 2020
Review for Exam 2
Version: March 20, 2020
Topics covered in the second part of the course and Midterm Exam 2:
- Structure of solids
- Crystal lattices: Bravais lattices, basis, Wigner-Seitz cell.
- Reciprocal lattice: construction, relation between Bravais and reciprocal lattice vectors
- Brillouin zones
- Correspondence between planes in direct lattice and points in reciprocal lattice.
- Miller indices
- X-ray diffraction: Bragg and Von Laue formulation, structure factor, form factors.
- Structure factor for lattices with a basis, form factors.
- Electrons in solids
- Electrons in a lattice, Bloch's theorem
- Free electron gas, electronic density of states in 3D, 2D and 1D
- Fermi energy
- T=0 properties of the ideal Fermi gas, zero-point pressure
- Ideal Fermi gas at T>0, electronic heat capacity
- Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility, Landau diamagnetic susceptibility
- Origin of ohmic behavior, conductivity and resistivity
- Electrons in the electric and magnetic field, classical Hall effect
- Deviations from the free electron model, band structure theory
- Nearly free electron model, occurrence of bands and band gaps
- Kronig-Penney model
- Tight-binding model, metals, insulators and semiconductors
- Effective mass of electrons and holes
- Shape and measurement of the Fermi surface
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2020.03.20 (Friday) 14:58:14 EDT
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