Survey of Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics
Spring 2020
Review for the Final Exam
Version: April 12, 2020
Topics covered in the third part of the course:
- Cohesion in solids
- Types of binding in crystals.
- Cohesion in van der Waals solids.
- Cohesion in ionic solids, Madelung constant.
- Cohesion in covalent solids, tight-binding description of covalent binding.
- Cohesion in metals
- Vibrations in solids
- Harmonic approximation
- Normal modes of a 1D monatomic Bravais lattice
- Speed of sound
- Normal modes of a lattice with a basis
- Longitudinal and transverse, acoustic and optical modes
- Quantization of vibrations, phonons
- Debye and Einstein model of the specific heat
- Low and high temperature limit of the specific heat
- Magnetism in solids
- Origin of magnetism in solids
- Magnetic susceptibility
- Diamagnetism and paramagnetism in atoms and solids
- Pauli paramagnetism in solids
- Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ordering
- Heisenberg model, Ising model
- Exchange field, mean-field description of magnetism
- Stoner model of band ferromagnetism
- Mean-field description of an antiferromagnet
- Superconductivity in solids
- Main phenomena
- Macroscopic theories
- Microscopic theory: BCS
Topics covered on the Final Exam:
- >80% of problems will be based on topics covered in the third part of the course.
- <20% of problems will be based on topics covered in the course before.
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2020.04.12 (Sunday) 12:39:19 EDT
by David Tomanek -