SIESTA Installation for Dummies
In the following, I assume that you
- wish to install SIESTA on a LINUX workstation;
- know a little about the LINUX operating system;
- wish to make SIESTA easily accessible for all licensed users;
- know how to become a superuser.
Log in to your LINUX machine as a superuser and copy the downloaded
SIESTA software (current version comes in the file siesta-3.0-rc2.tgz)
to the directory /usr/local/lib. Then, for the simplest installation,
proceed as follows.
Issue the commands:
cd /usr/local/lib
chmod 775 .
The file listing will show the file siesta-3.0-rc2.tgz
Next issue the commands:
tar -xzvf siesta-3.0-rc2.tgz
The file listing will show a new directory called siesta-3.0-rc2
Next issue the commands:
cd siesta-3.0-rc2/Obj
sh ../Src/
cd ../Src
cp arch.make ../Obj
cd ../Obj
Now the programs will be compiled on your machine, which takes a little time.
You can verify that you have obtained the executable image called siesta
in the current directory by issuing the command
ls siesta
Assuming that all users of your machine are licensed to use siesta,
you probably want to make the software available to all users upon simply
issuing the command siesta. To do this, issue the command
cp /usr/local/lib/siesta-3.0-rc2/Obj/siesta /usr/local/bin
Finally, you may want to clean up after yourself and restore access permissions.
To do this, issue the command
rm /usr/local/lib/siesta-3.0-rc2/Obj/*
chmod 755 /usr/local/lib
If anything here does not work for you, or if you wish to have a specific
setup, go to the
SIESTA mailing list
to find out if somebody ran into the same problem and posted a solution.
If not, you can post your concern there yourself.
Do not ask me!