Tomanek photo
List of Presentations
David Tománek
[1981] [1982] [1983] [1984] [1985] [1986] [1987] [1988] [1989] [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1998] [1999] [2000] [2001] [2002] [2003] [2004] [2005] [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010] [2011] [2012] [2013] [2014] [2015] [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019] [2020] [2021] [2022] [2023] [2024]

(Invited talks at conferences are marked by *)


1.   Order-Disorder Transition in H on Nickel, by D. Tománek, S. Mukherjee and K.H. Bennemann, Conference "Properties of Disordered Systems near Phase Transitions", Serneus (CH), 17.1.1981 (oral).

2.   Rumpfniveau-Spektroskopie an Oberflächen, ausserordentliches Seminar über Physik der kondensierten Materie, Basel (CH), 4.6.1981 (oral).


3.   Dissociation of Molecules on Metal Surfaces: A Review of Recent Theoretical Work, seminar "Moderne Probleme der Festkörperphysik", FU Berlin, Berlin (FRG), 12.1.1982 (oral).

* 4.   Calculation of Core-Level Shifts on Metal Surfaces. Invited talk of D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, Serneus (CH), 19.1.1982.

5.   Core-Level Binding Energies on Surfaces of Metals, Alloys and in Adsorbates, seminar given at the University of Liverpool, Liverpool (GB), 18.3.1982 (oral).

6.   Surface Properties of Metals and Mixed-Valence Compounds from the Surface Core-Level Shift, by D. Tománek, V. Kumar, S. Holloway, H.-J. Brocksch and K.H. Bennemann, 2nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Manchester (GB), 23.3.1982 (oral).

7.   Surface Core-Level Shifts in Mixed-Valent Systems, by H.-J. Brocksch, D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, International Conference on Valence Instabilities, Zurich (CH), 14.4.1982 (oral).

8.   Thermodynamic Properties of Transition Metal Clusters, by D. Tománek, S. Mukherjee, St. Reindl and K.H. Bennemann, 5th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 5), Gent (B), 24.8.1982 (poster).

9.   Thermodynamic Interpretation of Core-Level Binding Energies in Adsorbates, by D. Tománek, P.A. Dowben and M. Grunze, 5th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 5), Gent (B), 25.8.1982 (poster).

10.   Berechnung von Eigenschaften kleiner Metallpartikel, Seminar presented at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz (FRG), 4.-6.10.1982.

11.   Theoretische Modelle für die Eigenschaften kleiner Metallpartikel, in the "Seminar der Abteilung Oberflächenphysik", Fritz-Haber Institut der MPG, Berlin (FRG), 22.10.1982.

12.   Rumpfniveau-Verschiebungen an Metalloberflächen und in Adsorbaten, in the "Festkörperphysik-Colloquium", FU Berlin, Berlin (FRG), 29.10.1982 (oral).


13.   Electronic Calculation of Reconstructed Transition Metal Surfaces, by H.-J. Brocksch, D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, 3rd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Lausanne (CH), 28.3.1983 (poster).

14.   Calculation of the Effect of K and Cl on the CO Dissociation at the Ni(111) Surface, by D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, 3rd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Lausanne (CH), 28.3.1983 (oral).

15.   Effect of K, Cl,.. on CO Dissociation at the Ni(111) Surface, in the seminar "Moderne Probleme der Festkörperphysik", FU Berlin, Berlin (FRG), 27.4.1983 (oral).

16.   Electronic Calculation for the Pt and Ir(110)-(1x2) Reconstructed Surfaces, by H.-J. Brocksch, D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, 9th International Vacuum Congress and 5th International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Madrid (Spain), 26.-30.9.1983 (poster).

17.   Calculation of Core-Level Shifts at Metal Surfaces and in Adsorbates, seminar at the Centro Atómico Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina), 6.10.1983.

18.   Calculation of the Effect of Promotors and Poisons in Catalysis, seminar at the Centro Atómico Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina), 13.10.1983.

19.   Theoretical Models for the Properties of Small Metal Clusters, seminar at the Institute of Physics of the Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 18.10.1983.

20.   Surface core-level shifts in mixed-valence compounds, seminar "Moderne Probleme der Festkörperphysik", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (FRG), 30.11.1983.


21.   Calculation of the structural energy of the unreconstructed and (1x2) reconstructed Pt(110) surface, theory seminar at the Max-Planck Institut, Stuttgart (FRG), 1.2.1984.

22.   Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Zerfallsmechanismus des N2 auf einer Fe(111) Oberfläche, by M. Grunze, D. Tománek and J.H. Block, Sitzung des DECHEMA-Aussschusses "Heterogene Katalyse", München (FRG), 3.2.1984.

23.   Calculation of the role of promotors and poisons in catalysis, seminar at the Dept. of Chemistry, Dalhousie University Halifax (Canada), 19.3.1984.

24.   Calculation of the structural energy of the unreconstructed and (1x2) reconstructed Pt(110) surface, seminar at the Dept. of Physics, Dalhousie University Halifax (Canada), 19.3.1984.

25.   Theoretical investigations for the dissociation of simple molecules on transition metals, seminar at the Polytechnic Institute of New York (USA), 21.3.1984.

26.   Theoretical investigations for the dissociation of simple molecules on transition metal surfaces, seminar at the IBM Research Labs, San Jose, CA (USA), 23.3.1984.

27.   Calculation of elastic strain and electronic effects on surface segregation, by D. Tománek, K.H. Bennemann and C.A. Balseiro, March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Detroit (USA), 28.3.1984 (poster).

28.   Theoretical investigations of the N2 dissociation mechanism on Fe(111), by D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, ECOSS 6 conference, York (GB), 4.4.1984 (poster).

29.   Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Dissoziation einfacher Moleküle and Übergangsmetallen (mittels LCAO-Typ Methoden), seminar at the Fritz-Haber Institut in Berlin (FRG), 21.5.1984.

30.   Total energy calculations for the adsorption of N2 and NO on Fe(111), by D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, ICSOS 1 conference, Berkeley, CA (USA), 15.8.1984 (poster).

31.   Berechnung von Potentialenergie-Oberflächen für einfache katalytische Prozesse, seminar at the University of Basel (CH), 19.12.1984.


32.   Elektronische Theorie der Felddesorption, seminar at the Fritz-Haber Institut in Berlin (FRG), 14.1.1985.

33.   Kriterium für die Rekonstruktion von reinen und adsorbatbedeckten Oberflächen, seminar "Moderne Probleme der Festkörperphysik", FU Berlin, Berlin (FRG), 30.1.1985.

34.   Simple criterion for the reconstruction of clean and adsorbate-covered surfaces, by D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD (USA), 29.3.1985.

35.   Electronic model for energies, relaxations and reconstruction trends at metal surfaces, (poster), by D. Tománek and K.H. Bennemann, ECOSS-7 Conference, Aix-en-Provence (F), 1-4.4.1985.

36.   Simple criterion for the reconstruction of clean and adsorbate-covered metal surfaces, seminar at the Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada), 17.4.1985.

37.   Calculation of total energy surfaces for simple catalytic reactions, seminar at the A&M University, College Station, Texas (USA), 26.4.1985.

38.   Calculation of relaxations and reconstruction trends at transition metal surfaces, seminar at the IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. (USA), 22.5.1985.

39.   Calculation of potential energy surfaces for the CO and N2 dissociation on transition metals, seminar at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. (USA), 28.5.1985.

40.   Tight-binding approach to field-desorption: N2 on Fe(111), surface science lunch at the AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J. (USA), 31.5.1985.

41.   Calculation of magic numbers and the stability of small Si clusters, Seminar "Moderne Probleme der Festkörperphysik", Freie Universität Berlin (FRG), 26.6.1985.

42.   Theoretical approach to field desorption: Tight-binding calculation of N2 on Fe(111), contribution of D. Tománek, H.J. Kreuzer and J.H. Block at the Field Emission Conference, Paris (F), 1985.

43.   Elektronische Theorie für die Feld-Desorption: N2auf Fe(111), contribution of D. Tománek, H.J. Kreuzer and J.H. Block at the Symposium "Field Emission, Field Ionisation and Field Ion Mass Spectroscopy" at the Schloss Ringberg (FRG), 11.-14.9.1985.


44.   Structure and stability of small Si clusters, Solid State Theory Group Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, CA (USA), 5.2.1986.

45.   Determination of interactions in chemisorbed layers, contribution of H. Dreyssé and D. Tománek at the APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (USA), 31.3.1986 (oral).

46.   Ab initio LCAO calculation of chemisorption systems, contribution of D. Tománek, C.T. Chan and S.G. Louie at the APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (USA), 2.4.1986 (poster).

47.   Calculation of the magic numbers and the stability of small Si clusters, contribution of D. Tománek and M.A. Schlüter at the APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (USA), 4.4.1986 (oral).

48.   Ab initio LCAO calculation of chemisorption systems, contribution of D. Tománek, C.T. Chan and S.G. Louie at the 8th Surface/Interface Research Meeting of the NCCAVS, Stanford, CA (USA), 29.5.1986 (poster).

49.   Ab initio calculation for chemisorption systems, Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (USA), 25.9.1986.

50.   Scanning tunneling microscopy of graphite: Why are half the atoms missing? - seminar at the Solid State Theory group, University of California, Berkeley, CA (USA), 5.11.1986.


51.   Surface studies using the density functional formalism, seminar at the Solid State Theory group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (USA), 23.1.1987.

52.   Ab initio calculations of electronic structure at surfaces, Colloquium at the Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (USA), 29.1.1987.

* 53.   Theory and Observation of Highly Asymmetric Atomic Structure in Scanning Tunneling Images of Graphite. Invited talk at the Surface/Interface Research Meeting of the NCCAVS, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA (USA), 25.2.1987.

54.   Cluster Properties from First Principles and Parameterized Calculations, Seminar on Clusters, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA (USA), 27.2.1987.

55.   Coverage-dependent adsorption properties from a first-principles calculation: H/Pd(001). Contribution of D. Tománek, C.T. Chan and S.G. Louie at the APS March Meeting in New York, NY (USA), 16.3.1987.

56.   Theory and observation of highly asymmetric atomic structure in scanning tunneling microscopy images of graphite. Contribution of D. Tománek, S.G. Louie, H.J. Mamin, D.W. Abraham, R.E. Thomson, E. Ganz and J. Clarke at the APS March Meeting in New York, NY (USA), 18.3.1987.

57.   Ab initio calculations of scanning tunneling microscopy images of graphite, seminar at the Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Annandale, NJ (USA), 23.3.1987.

58.   Scanning tunneling microscopy of graphite: Why are half the atoms missing? Seminar at the AT&T Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ (USA), 25.3.1987.

59.   Atomic and electronic structure of surfaces using ab initio calculations. Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State Unversity, East Lansing, MI (USA), 30.3.1987.

60.   Scanning tunneling microscopy of graphite: Why are half the atoms missing? Seminar at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, ZH (CH), 21.9.1987.

61.   Magic numbers in silicon clusters, Brown Bag Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, 3.12.1987.


62.   Tight-Binding Approach to Field Desorption: N2 on Fe(111), Brown Bag Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, January 28, 1988.

63.   Calculation of Many-Body Effects in the Electronic Structure of GaAs-AlAs Superlattices. Contribution of D. Tománek, S.B. Zhang, S.G. Louie, M.L. Cohen and M.S. Hybertsen at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LA (USA), March 22, 1988.

64.   Origin of the Improved Conductivity of BC3. Contribution of R.M. Wentzcovitch, D. Tománek, S.G. Louie and M.L. Cohen at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LA (USA), March 22, 1988.

65.   Many-Body Effects on the Valence Band Offset of AlAs-GaAs(001). Contribution of S.B. Zhang, D. Tománek, S.G. Louie, M.L. Cohen and M.S. Hybertsen at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LA (USA), March 23, 1988.

66.   Ab Initio Calculation of Quasi-Particle Effects in the Band Structure of Semiconductors, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, April 11, 1988.

67.   Ab Initio Calculations for Surfaces and Interfaces, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics of Syracuse University, May 4, 1988.

68.   Computational Solid State Physics, Physics Summer Interns Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, July 6, 1988.

69.   Thermal Effects in the Stability of Small Clusters, Brown Bag Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, December 8, 1988.

70.   Structural and Electronic Properties of CuO2 Layers with Defects, Regional Meeting on High-Temperature Superconductivity at Wayne State University, Detroit, December 13, 1988.

71.   Ab initio Berechnungen von STM Spektren an Graphitoberflächen, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar of the Department of Physics of the University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 19, 1988.


72.   Theoretical Studies of Chemisorption Processes on Metal Surfaces, Colloquium at the Department of Physics of Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, February 3, 1989.

73.   Hydrogen Adsorption on Unreconstructed and (1x2) Reconstructed Pd(110) Surfaces. Contribution of C. Sun and D. Tománek at the APS March Meeting in St. Louis, MO (USA), March 20, 1989.

74.   Structural and Electronic Properties of CuO2 Layers with Defects. Contribution of W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the APS March Meeting in St. Louis, MO (USA), March 24, 1989.

75.   Hydrogen Interaction with Bulk Pd and the Pd(110) Surface. Contribution of Zhijun Sun and David Tománek at the 17th Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN (USA), October 9-10, 1989 (poster).

76.   Character of Conduction Band States in Perfect and Oxygen-Deficient CuO2 Layers. Contribution of W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the 17th Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN (USA), October 9-10, 1989 (poster).

77.   Theory for the Atomic Force Microscopy of Deformable Surfaces. Contribution of G. Overney, D. Tománek, H. Miyazaki, S.D. Mahanti and H.J. Güntherodt at the 17th Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN (USA), October 9-10, 1989 (poster).

78.   First-Principles Studies of the Interaction of Hydrogen with Palladium, Colloquium at the Physics Department of Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (USA), October 12, 1989.

79.   Ab initio Berechnungen der Wasserstoff-Palladium Wechselwirkung, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar of the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 18, 1989.

80.   Wechselwirkung zwischen der Spitze eines atomaren Kraftmikroskops und elastischen Oberflächen, Special Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 19, 1989.


81.   Elastic Tip-Surface Interactions in Atomic Force Microscopy, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, February 26, 1990.

82.   Quasiparticle Excitations in Small Alkali Clusters. Contribution of Y. Wang, Y. Li, D. Tománek, and G.F. Bertsch at the APS March Meeting in Anaheim, CA (USA), March 12, 1990.

83.   First-Principles Theory of Atomic-Scale Friction. Contribution of W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the APS March Meeting in Anaheim, CA (USA), March 13, 1990.

84.   Hydrogen Interaction With Bulk Pd and the Pd(110) Surface. Contribution of Zhijun Sun and David Tománek at the APS March Meeting in Anaheim, CA (USA), March 13, 1990.

85.   Theory for the Atomic Force Microscopy of Deformable Surfaces Contribution of G. Overney, D. Tománek, H. Miyazaki, and S.D. Mahanti, and H.J. Güntherodt at the APS March Meeting in Anaheim, CA (USA), March 16, 1990.

86.   First-Principles Theory of Atomic-Scale Friction. Seminar at Ford Motor Company, Dearborn MI (USA), April 19, 1990.

87.   Hydrogen-Induced (1x2) Reconstruction of Pd(110). Contributed talk of D. Tománek and Z. Sun at the ICSOS-III Conference, Milwaukee, WI (USA), July 10, 1990.

88.   Theory of Atomic Force Microscopy on Elastic Surfaces. Contributed talk of W. Zhong, G. Overney and D. Tománek at the ICSOS-III Conference, Milwaukee, WI (USA), July 11, 1990.

89.   Theory of Elastic Tip-Surface Interactions in Atomic Force Microscopy. Contributed talk of W. Zhong, G. Overney and D. Tománek at the STM'90/NANO I Conference, Baltimore, MD (USA), July 24, 1990.

90.   Theory for the Atomic Force Microscopy of Layered Materials. Contributed talk of G. Overney, W. Zhong, and D. Tománek at the 8th General Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS-8), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), September 4-8, 1990.

91.   Elastische Deformationen in der Raster-Kraftmikroskopie, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 17, 1990.

92.   First-Principles Approach to Friction: Pd on Graphite, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, (Switzerland), December 19, 1990.


93.   Atomic Force Microscopy and Atomic-Scale Friction on Deformable Surfaces. Electronic Structure Seminar at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, February 8, 1991.

94.   Dynamical Properties of Hydrogen Covered Pd Surfaces. Contribution of W. Zhong, Y. Cai, Y. Li, and D. Tománek at the APS March Meeting in Cincinnati, OH (USA), March 19, 1991.

95.   Plasmon Damping in Small Metal Clusters. Contribution of Yang Wang, D. Tománek, G.F. Bertsch, and S. Saito at the APS March Meeting in Cincinnati, OH (USA), March 20, 1991.

* 96.   First-Principles Theory of Atomic-Scale Friction. Invited Talk at the APS March Meeting in Cincinnati, OH (USA), March 21, 1991.

97.   Theory for the Atomic Force Microscopy of Graphite Intercalation Compounds. Contribution of G. Overney, W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the STM '91 Conference in Interlaken (Switzerland), August 12 - 16, 1991.

* 98.   Damping Mechanisms of the Mie Plasmon in Alkali Clusters. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-91) on "Excitations in Alkali Clusters", Michigan State University, East Lansing, July 30, 1991.

99.   Is fullerite harder than diamond? Talk at the Workshop on Fullerites and Solid State Derivatives, University of Pennsylvania, August 2, 1991.

100.   Collective Plasmon Excitations in C60. Contribution of George Bertsch, Aurel Bulgac, David Tománek and Yang Wang at the Workshop on Fullerites and Solid State Derivatives, University of Pennsylvania, August 2, 1991.

101.   Collective Plasmon Excitations in C60. Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on Metal and Semiconductor Clusters, Brewster Academy, Wolfboro (NH), August 7, 1991.

102.   Growth Regimes in Carbon Clusters. Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on Metal and Semiconductor Clusters, Brewster Academy, Wolfboro (NH), August 8, 1991.

103.   Buckyballs: From gadgets to applications. Brown Bag Seminar at Michigan State University, October 24, 1991.

104.   Buckyballs: From gadgets to novel materials. Seminar at the University of Chicago, November 4, 1991.

105.   Buckyballs: New materials with exotic properties, Colloquium at the Physics Department of Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (USA), November 7, 1991.

106.   Materials science on a supercomputer. Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), November 19, 1991.

107.   Buckyballs: New materials with exotic properties, Colloquium at the University of Milan, Milano (Italy), December 10, 1991.

108.   Buckyballs: New materials with exotic properties, Seminar at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, December 13, 1991.

109.   Ungewohnte Eigenschaften von C60-Buckyballs, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 16, 1991.

110.   C60-Buckyballs: Von exotischen Clustern zu neuen Materialien, Condensed Matter Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany), December 20, 1991.


111.   Effect of charge transfer on the structure of stage-1 alkali metal graphite intercalation compounds. Contribution of G. Overney, W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the 1992 APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (IN), March 16, 1992.

112.   Collective plasmon excitations in C60 clusters. Contribution of Yang Wang, G.F. Bertsch, A. Bulgac, and D. Tománek at the 1992 APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (IN), March 16, 1992.

113.   Structure and mechanical stability of hydrogen loaded Pd. Contribution of W. Zhong, Y. Cai and D. Tománek at the 1992 APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (IN), March 17, 1992.

114.   Jahn-Teller Effect for C60-. Contribution of G.A. Baraff, M. Schluter, M. Lannoo, and D. Tománek at the 1992 APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (IN), March 19, 1992.

115.   C20 clusters as precursors to the formation of C60 fullerene. Contribution of S.A. Kajihara, C.J. Brabec, E. Anderson, B.N. Davidson, Q.-M. Zhang, J. Bernholc, and D. Tománek at the 1992 APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (IN), March 20, 1992.

* 116.   Modeling cluster aggregation using massively parallel computers. Invited talk at the "Domain-specific methods for massively parallel computational science" workshop, Marina del Rey, May 15, 1992.

* 117.   Collective excitations in fullerenes. Invited talk at the 181st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, St. Louis, Missouri, May 22, 1992.

118.   Hyperpolarizability of the C60 fullerene cluster. Poster contribution of Yang Wang, David Tománek, and George Bertsch at the sixth annual CFMR/industry symposium, East Lansing, May 31-June 1, 1992.

119.   Mechanical stability of Pd-H systems: A molecular dynamics study. Poster contribution of Weiqing Zhong, Yong Cai, and David Tománek at the sixth annual CFMR/industry symposium, East Lansing, May 31-June 1, 1992.

* 120.   Collective electronic excitations in carbon fullerenes. Invited talk at the Adriatico Research Conference on "Clusters and Fullerenes", International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, June 23-26, 1992.

121.   Materialforschung auf dem Supercomputer. Colloquium at the University of Giessen, Germany, June 29, 1992.

122.   Materialforschung auf dem Supercomputer. Theory seminar at the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany, July 9, 1992.

* 123.   Electromagnetic response of small clusters. Invited talk at the Course CXXI "Perspectives in many-particle physics" of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna (Italy), July 7-17, 1992.

124.   Constructing New Materials on a Supercomputer. Seminar at Allied Signal Inc., Morristown (New Jersey), July 23, 1992.

125.   Collective electronic excitations in fullerenes. Contribution of David Tománek, George F. Bertsch, Aurel Bulgac, Neng-Jiu Ju, and Yang Wang at the Sixth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-6), Chicago (IL), September 16-22, 1992.

126.   C60 Buckyballs: Exciting New Materials with Uncommon Properties. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Chemistry, July 29, 1992.

127.   Collective electronic excitations in fullerenes. Contribution of David Tománek, George F. Bertsch, Aurel Bulgac, Neng-Jiu Ju, and Yang Wang at the Sixth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-6), Chicago (IL), September 16-22, 1992.

* 128.   Collective electronic excitations in fullerenes. Invited talk at the Midwest Theory Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, October 23, 1992.

* 129.   Electromagnetic response of carbon clusters: Higher fullerenes and tubules. Invited talk at the 1992 TMS Fall Meeting, Chicago (IL), November 2, 1992.

130.   Designing clusters and surfaces on a supercomputer. Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago (IL), November 3, 1992.

131.   Buckyballs: New materials with exotic properties. Seminar talk at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago (IL), November 19, 1992.

132.   Electronic excitations in carbon fullerene clusters. Seminar talk at the Université de Lyon, France, December 15, 1992.

133.   Electronic excitations in carbon fullerene clusters. Seminar talk at the CNRS at Orsay, France, December 17, 1992.

134.   Materialforschung auf dem Supercomputer. Seminar at the Universität Freiburg, Germany, December 21, 1992.


135.   Materialforschung auf dem Supercomputer. Seminar at the Universität Basel, Switzerland, January 4, 1993.

136.   Collective electronic excitations in carbon fullerene clusters. Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 8, 1993.

137.   Optical Response of Carbon Fullerene Clusters. Brown Bag seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, January 14, 1993.

138.   Stability of Multi-Shell Fullerenes. Contributed talk of D. Tománek, W. Zhong, and E. Krastev at the 1993 APS March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 22, 1993.

139.   Collective Electronic Excitations and their Damping in Small Alkali Clusters. Contributed talk of Yang Wang, Caio Lewenkopf, David Tománek, George Bertsch, and Susumu Saito at the 1993 APS March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 23, 1993.

140.   Structural Properties of Fe Crystals. Contributed talk of W. Zhong, G. Overney, and D. Tománek at the 1993 APS March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 23, 1993.

141.   Stability of C60 Fullerite Intercalation and Endohedral Compounds. Contributed talk of Yang Wang, David Tománek, George Bertsch, and Rodney Ruoff at the 1993 APS March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 24, 1993.

142.   A Topology- and Problem-Independent Scalable Parallel Approach to Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Contribution of Nesbeitt, P., Enbody, R. J., Bulgac, A., Tománek, D., Overney, G., Severance, C., Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March, 1993, pp. 170 - 173.

143.   Real-Valued Array Indices: A Possible FORTRAN Extension. Contribution of Severance, C., Enbody, R. J., Bulgac, A., Tománek, D., Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March, 1993, pp. 979 - 982.

* 144.   Designing materials on a supercomputer: Buckyballs and modified fullerenes. Invited talk at the CFMR Spring symposium at Michigan State University, April 18, 1993.

145.   Hydrogen embrittlement of metals: A microscopic picture. Poster contribution of W. Zhong, Y. Cai and D. Tománek at the CFMR Spring symposium at Michigan State University, April 18, 1993.

* 146.   Stability of C60 Intercalation and Endohedral Compounds. Invited talk at the ECS Spring Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 18, 1993.

147.   C60 and its derivatives: A plethora of unexpected phenomena. Seminar talk at the University of Hamburg (Germany), June 11, 1993.

* 148.   Modifying the Buckyball. Invited talk at the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters (TAMC-1) Conference, Leer (Germany), June 17, 1993.

149.   Physics of buckyballs: An open-ended playground. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, June 24, 1993.

* 150.   Theoretical studies of carbon fullerenes and derived structures. Invited talk at the 1993 U.S.-Japan Seminar on Fullerenes, Waikiki, July 19-23, 1993.

* 151.   Dynamical properties of fullerene-based systems. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-93) at Michigan State University, East Lansing, August 6, 1993.

152.   Collision and aggregation dynamics of large carbon fullerenes. Contribution of W. Zhong and D. Tománek at the Gordon Conference on "Metal and Semiconductor Clusters", Wolfeboro (NH), August 11, 1993 (poster).

153.   Melting of carbon fullerenes. Poster contribution of S.G. Kim and D. Tománek at the 21. Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium at Wayne State University, Detroit, October 3, 1993.

154.   Vibrational spectra of multi-shell fullerenes. Poster contribution of K.J. Conley and D. Tománek at the 21. Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium at Wayne State University, Detroit, October 3, 1993.

155.   Theoretical Studies of Carbon Fullerenes. Physics Colloquium at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, December 20, 1993.

156.   Theoretical Studies of Carbon Fullerenes. Seminar at the CEN in Grenoble, France, December 22, 1993.


157.   Physikalische Eigenschaften modifizierter Fullerene. Seminar at the Universität Basel, Switzerland, January 3, 1994.

158.   Melting the fullerenes: A molecular dynamics study. Contributed talk of Seong Gon Kim and David Tománek at the 1994 APS March Meeting in Pittsburgh (PA), March 22, 1994.

159.   Stability and elastic behavior of hydrogen-loaded Ti1-xAlx alloys : An ab initio study. Contributed talk of P. Jund and David Tománek at the 1994 APS March Meeting in Pittsburgh (PA), March 23, 1994.

160.   Simulating materials on a supercomputer. Seminar talk at the M.I.T. in Boston (MA), May 2, 1994.

161.   Physics of Buckyballs: An Open-Ended Playground. Seminar talk at the Rowland Institute for Science, Boston (MA), May 3, 1994.

162.   The Buckyball: An Alchemist's Dream? Seminar talk at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley (CA), May 19, 1994.

* 163.   Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Fullerenes. Invited talk at the ECS Spring Meeting in San Francisco, California, May 26, 1994.

164.   La physique des fullerènes: De la naissance à la mort. Colloquium at the Institut d'Electronique et Microelectronique du Nord and the University of Lille, France, June 21, 1994.

165.   La physique des fullerènes: De la naissance à la mort. Seminar at the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton of the University of Paris-South, July 5, 1994.

* 166.   Thermal and collision-induced fragmentation of fullerenes. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-94) in Col de Porte, France, July 13, 1994.

167.   Constructing a better world with carbon buckyballs. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of the National University of Singapore, Singapore, October 5, 1994.

168.   Building a better world with buckyballs. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of Rice University, Houston, Texas, November 9, 1994.

* 169.   Molecular dynamics simulations of fullerenes. Invited talk at the 1994 Southwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, Houston, Texas, November 12, 1994.

170.   Simulations of Fullerenes at Low and High Temperatures. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 5, 1994.

171.   El tango molecular de las "buckyballs". Seminar talk at the Unversity in La Plata, Argentina, December 15, 1994.


* 172.   Building a better world with buckyballs. Invited talk at the Solid State Theory Symposium in Daeduk, Korea, January 26, 1995.

173.   Optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures. Seminar talk at Jeonbuk National University, Korea, February 2, 1995.

174.   Dynamics of C60. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of Seoul National University, Korea, February 4, 1995.

175.   What Physics Can We Learn from Tomato-Egg Collisions? Colloquium talk in the honor of Eberhard Hilf at the Department of Physics of the University of Oldenburg, Germany, February 17, 1995.

176.   Carbon buckyballs: From their Birth to their Death. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of the University "La Sapienza", Rome (Italy), March 9, 1995.

177.   Collective electronic excitations in fullerenes. Condensed Matter Physics Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of the University "La Sapienza", Rome (Italy), March 10, 1995.

178.   Fullerenes are forever. Seminar talk at the Centro Materiali e Biofisica Medica of the Instituto Trentino di Cultura, Trento (Italy), March 13, 1995.

179.   Formation and fragmentation of complex structures in ferrofluids. Condensed Matter Physics Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of the University "La Sapienza", Rome (Italy), March 15, 1995.

180.   Designing Pseudo-Buckyball Based Superconductors. Contributed talk of Tibor F. Nagy, Philippe Jund, David Tománek, James L. Dye and James E. Jackson at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 21, 1995.

181.   Three-Dimensional Visualization of Cavities and Channels in Crystals. Contributed poster of Tibor F. Nagy, Gregor T. Overney, James L. Dye and David Tománek at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 21, 1995.

* 182.   Are Melting and Collision-Induced Fragmentation of Clusters the Same Thing? Invited talk of David Tománek at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 22, 1995.

183.   Formation and Fragmentation of Complex Structures in Ferrofluids. Contributed talk of Philippe Jund, SeongGon Kim, David Tománek and Jack Hetherington at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 22, 1995.

184.   Morphology and stability of open-ended carbon nanotubes. Contributed talk of David Tománek, SeongGon Kim, Philippe Jund, Liang Lou, Peter Nordlander and Richard E. Smalley at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 22, 1995.

185.   Dynamics of Aggregation in Ferrofluids. Contributed talk of Seong Gon Kim, Philippe Jund, David Tománek and Jack Hetherington at the 1995 APS March Meeting in San Jose (CA), March 23, 1995.

186.   Morphology and Stability of Open-Ended Carbon Nanotubes. Poster contribution of Seong Gon Kim, Philippe Jund and David Tománek at the CFMR Spring symposium at Michigan State University, April 10, 1995.

187.   Cavities and Channels in Electrides. Poster contribution of J. L. Dye, T. F. Nagy, G. Overney, M. J. Wagner and D. Tománek at the CFMR Spring symposium at Michigan State University, April 10, 1995.

* 188.   Thermal and collision-induced fragmentation of fullerenes: A molecular dynamics study. Invited talk at the Zermatt International Symposium on Molecular Dynamics, Zermatt (Switzerland), April 27, 1995.

189.   H/Pd system: From surface reconstruction to cold fusion. Seminar talk at the Fachbereich Chemie of the Free University Berlin, Berlin (Germany), May 3, 1995.

190.   Aggregation und Fragmentierung komplexer Strukturen unter Extrembedingungen. Theory Colloquium at the Fachbereich Physik of the University Oldenburg, Oldenburg (Germany), May 5, 1995.

191.   Formation and fragmentation of complex structures under extreme conditions. Theory seminar at the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin (Germany), May 11, 1995.

192.   Dynamik von Clustern: Eine Schatztruhe voller Überraschungen. Colloquium at the Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Jülich (Germany), May 22, 1995.

* 193.   Formation and fragmentation of complex structures under extreme conditions. Invited talk at the VISMATH Conference on Visualization in Mathematics, Berlin (Germany), May 31, 1995.

194.   Dynamik von Clustern: Eine Schatztruhe voller Überraschungen. Theory seminar at the University of Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany), June 1, 1995.

195.   Dynamik kleiner Cluster: von der Wiege bis zur Bahre. Physics Colloquium talk at the Fachbereich Physik of the Free University Berlin, Berlin (Germany), June 8, 1995.

* 196.   The growth and the death of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Invited talk at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Large Clusters of Atoms and Molecules", Erice (Italy), June 22, 1995.

197.   Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Seminar talk at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden), July 11, 1995.

198.   Cluster formation and fragmentation in complex fluids. Seminar talk at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden), July 13, 1995.

199.   The growth and the death of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, August 3, 1995.

* 200.   Growth and death of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Invited talk at the Gordon Conference on "Metal and Semiconductor Clusters", Colby-Sawyer College North, New London (New Hampshire), August 7, 1995.

201.   Morphology and stability of spot-welded carbon nanotubes. Poster of S.G. Kim, P. Jund and D. Tománek at the Gordon Conference on "Metal and Semiconductor Clusters", Colby-Sawyer College North, New London (New Hampshire), August 7-8, 1995.

202.   Formation of magnetic nanostructures. Poster of P. Jund, S.G. Kim and D. Tománek at the Gordon Conference on "Metal and Semiconductor Clusters", Colby-Sawyer College North, New London (New Hampshire), August 9-10, 1995.

203.   Dipolar systems: From magnetic marbles to magnetic memory. Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), September 11, 1995.

204.   Dynamics of clusters: From buckyballs to magnetic snakes. Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, 28 September, 1995.

205.   Dynamics of clusters: A chest full of surprises. Seminar talk for the Society of Physics Students at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), October 3, 1995.

206.   Electronic and structural properties of atomic clusters. Poster of David Tománek at the Advanced Materials - Advanced Computing (AMAC) Symposium at Michigan State University, October 14, 1995.

207.   Medication delivery by microspheres. Poster of Peter Borrmann, Seong Gon Kim, Philippe Jund, Jian Chen, and David Tománek at the Advanced Materials - Advanced Computing (AMAC) Symposium at Michigan State University, October 14, 1995.

208.   Computersimulationen zur Selbstmontage von Nanostrukturen. Colloquium at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), November 3, 1995.

209.   Growth and death of buckyballs and buckytubes. Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), November 7, 1995.


210.   Nano-assemblage des fullérènes et des nanotubes. Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 9, 1996.

211.   Nano-assemblage des matériaux: Simulations numériques. Seminar at the University of Montpellier II, France, 11 January, 1996.

* 212.   Structural and thermodynamic criteria for cluster melting and evaporation. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-96) in Col de Porte, France, February 7-9, 1996.

213.   Dipolar systems: From magnetic marbles to magnetic brushes. Seminar talk at Xerox Webster Research Laboratory, Rochester, NY, March 6, 1996.

214.   Does Hydrogen Pre-Melt Palladium Clusters? Contributed talk of Henrik Grönbeck, Arne Rosén, David Tománek, Seong Gon Kim at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 19, 1996.

215.   Melting and Metal-Insulator Transition in Sodium Clusters. Contributed talk of Jian Chen, Seong Gon Kim, David Tománek at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 19, 1996.

216.   Electronic Structure of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of Daniel Östling, Arne Rosén, David Tománek at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 19, 1996.

217.   Energetics and Morphology of Growing Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Daniel T. Colbert, Richard E. Smalley at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 19, 1996.

218.   Formation and Destruction of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of Seong Gon Kim, David Tománek, Liang Lou, A.G. Rinzler, J.H. Hafner, P. Nikolaev, Peter Nordlander, Daniel T. Colbert, Richard E. Smalley at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 19, 1996.

219.   Thermodynamics of Finite Magnetic Two-Level Systems. Poster of Peter Borrmann, Heinrich Stamerjohanns, Eberhard Hilf, Philippe Jund, Seong Gon Kim, David Tománek at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 20, 1996.

220.   Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanostructures. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Seong Gon Kim, Philippe Jund, Peter Borrmann, Heinrich Stamerjohanns, Eberhard Hilf at the 1996 APS March Meeting in St. Louis (MO), March 21, 1996.

221.   Nano-assemblage des fullérènes et des nanotubes. Seminar at the University of Toulouse, France, June 24, 1996.

222.   Nano-assemblage des matériaux: Simulations numériques. Seminar at the Centre d'Energie Atomique in Grenoble (France), June 26, 1996.

223.   Self-assembly and field fragmentation of carbon nanotubes. Seminar talk at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden), June 28, 1996.

224.   Cracking Microspheres Using Magnetic Tops and External Fields. Poster of Peter Borrmann, Seong Gon Kim, David Tománek, and Philippe Jund at the Eighth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-8), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 2, 1996.

225.   Formation and Disintegration of Carbon Nanotubes. Poster of Seong Gon Kim, Young Hee Lee, and David Tománek at the Eighth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-8), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 4, 1996.

226.   Electronic Structure of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Poster of D. Östling, D. Tománek, and A. Rosén at the Eighth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-8), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 4, 1996.

227.   Hydrogen Induced Melting of Palladium Clusters. Poster of H. Grönbeck, D. Tománek, S.G. Kim, and A. Rosén at the Eighth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-8), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 4, 1996.

228.   Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanostructures. Poster of David Tománek, Seong Gon Kim, Philippe Jund, Peter Borrmann, Heinrich Stamerjohanns, and Eberhard R. Hilf at the Eighth International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC-8), Copenhagen (Denmark), July 4, 1996.

* 229.   Is impact-induced cluster fragmentation related to melting? Invited talk at the workshop on "Cluster-Solid Surface Interactions" in Rostock, Germany, July 10, 1996.

230.   Grenzen des Wachstums von Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Seminar at the Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany), July 11, 1996.

231.   What do dipolar fluids and spaghetti share in common? REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, July 19, 1996.

232.   Growth and death of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Condensed Matter Physics seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 3, 1996.

233.   Self-assembly and disintegration of carbon nanotubes. Campus Theory Seminar at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, October 3, 1996.

234.   Nanotubes: From a noble idea to a Nobel prize. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of Rice University, Houston, Texas, October 9, 1996.

235.   Growth mechanism of single-walled nanotubes. Contributed talk of Young Hee Lee, Seong Gon Kim, and David Tománek at the 1996 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston (MA), December 6, 1996.

236.   Die ungewöhnlichen Modifikationen des Kohlenstoffs. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of the Universität Basel, Switzerland, December 20, 1996.


237.   Adhesion and chaining of magnetic particles. Contribution of K. German, H. Mizes, L. Belkhir, R. Lewis, S.G. Kim, and D. Tománek at the 20th annual meeting of the Adhesion Society in Hilton Head, SC, February 25, 1997.

238.   Equilibrium Structure of Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of Young-Kyun Kwon, Young Hee Lee, Seong Gon Kim, and David Tománek at the 1997 APS March Meeting in Kansas City (KS), March 19, 1997.

* 239.   Morphology, Growth and Destruction of Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the 1997 APS March Meeting in Kansas City (KS), March 20, 1997.

* 240.   Selecting morphology during catalytic growth of nanostructures. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-97) at the Walther-Nernst Institute of the Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany), May 1-3, 1997.

* 241.   Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Invited talk at the Space-Time'97 Workshop at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory of Michigan State University, May 28, 1997.

* 242.   Survival of carbon nanotube devices under extreme conditions. Invited talk at the 1997 Nanotube Workshop at Rice University in Houston (TX), May 30-June 1, 1997.

243.   Morphology, Growth and Destruction of Carbon Nanotubes. REU seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, June 20, 1997.

244.   Computersimulationen zur Selbst-Montage von Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics of the Universität Rostock, Germany, June 24, 1997.

* 245.   Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the Third International Workshop in Russia on Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 30, 1997.

246.   Electronic structure of carbon nanotubules: Cluster and band approach. Poster presentation of D.A. Romanov, L.G. Bulusheva, A.V. Okotrub, and D. Tománek at the Third International Workshop in Russia on Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 3, 1997.

* 247.   Growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the 1997 Nanotube symposium in Lexington (KY), July 11, 1997.

248.   The H/Pd system: From cold fusion to surface reconstruction. Brown Bag seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, September 18, 1997.

249.   Self-Assembly of Nanostructures: A Molecular Dynamics View. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Kentucky in Lexington (KY), September 30, 1997.

250.   Growth Mechanism of Single-Wall and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Poster presentation of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek at the 25th Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, October 18, 1997.

251.   Morphology, Growth and Destruction of Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (OH), November 3, 1997.

252.   Growth and Death of Carbon Nanotubes. Physics Colloquium talk at the University of Florida, Gainsville (FL), December 4, 1997.

253.   Morphologie, Wachstum und Zerfall von Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 15, 1997.

254.   Morphologie et structure électronique des nanotubes. Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 18, 1997.


255.   Computer Simulations of Self-Assembling Nanostructures. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, University of Kentucky in Lexington (KY), February 23, 1998.

* 256.   Self-assembly and electronic structure of bundled single-wall and multi-wall nanotubes. Invited talk at the "XIIth International Winter School on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: Molecular Nanostructures" (IWEPNM-98) in Kirchberg (Austria), February 28 - March 3, 1998.

257.   Growth Mechanism of Single-Wall and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Poster presentation of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek, 12th Annual Symposium of the Center for Fundamental Materials Research (CFMR) at Michigan State University, East Lansing (MI), March 2, 1998.

* 258.   Invited Tutorial Contribution on the "Theory of Carbon Nanotubes" at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 15, 1998.

259.   Synthesis of fullerene nitro-derivatives: Structural investigations. Oral contribution of Marina Zhuravleva, Igor Asanov, Lyubov Bulusheva, Victor Grankin, Anatolii Mazhara, Alexander Okotrub, and David Tománek at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 16, 1998.

260.   High-resolution X-ray spectroscopic and quantum-chemical study of electron interactions in fullerene derivatives. Oral contribution of Alexander Okotrub, Lyubov Bulusheva, and David Tománek at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 16, 1998.

261.   Quantum-chemical investigation of the electronic structure of carbon nanotube fragments. Oral contribution of Lyubov Bulusheva, Alexander Okotrub, Dmitriy Romanov, David Tománek at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 17, 1998.

262.   Electronic and structural properties of multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Oral contribution of David Tománek and Young-Kyun Kwon at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 18, 1998.

263.   Do carbon nanotubes spin when bundled? Oral contribution of Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek, Young Hee Lee, Kee Hag Lee, and Susumu Saito at the 1998 APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (CA), March 18, 1998.

264.   Computer Simulations of the Self-Assembly of Nanotubes. I-4 Corridor Distinguished Lecture at the University of Central Florida, Orlando (FL), April 30, 1998.

* 265.   Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanotube Aggregates: Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties. Invited talk at the First European Research Conference on "Cluster-Surface Interactions" in Cargese near Ajaccio (Corse), France, May 23 - 28, 1998.

266.   Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties of Single- and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Coimbra (Portugal), June 18, 1998.

* 267.   Dynamics of collisions involving fullerenes and nanotubes. Invited talk at the "Workshop on Collisions Involving Atomic Clusters", Soenderborg, Denmark, June 20-24, 1998.

268.   Functional modeling of a nanotube-based memory device. Poster presentation of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek at the "Workshop on Collisions Involving Atomic Clusters", Soenderborg, Denmark, June 20-24, 1998.

269.   Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties in Self-Assembling Carbon Nanotube Aggregates. Seminar talk at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden), June 26, 1998.

* 270.   Self-Assembly and Structural Modification of Single- and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the "Atomic Clusters" workshop of the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, July 2, 1998.

271.   Structural and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Aggregates. Contribution at the "Atomic Clusters" workshop of the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, July 7, 1998.

* 272.   Interplay between structural and electronic properties of multi-wall carbon nanotubes and single-wall carbon nanotube crystals. Invited talk at the CECAM (Centre Europeen de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire) workshop on "Simulation of carbon and composite BxCyNz nanotubes" in Lyon (France), September 3, 1998.

* 273.   Dynamics of endohedral fullerene-nanotube collisions. Invited talk at the CECAM (Centre Europeen de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire) workshop on "Simulation of carbon and composite BxCyNz nanotubes" in Lyon (France), September 3, 1998.

* 274.   Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the International Workshop on "Collective Excitations in Fermi and Bose Systems" in Serra Negra, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 14 - 17, 1998.

275.   Are Carbon Nanotubes the Stuff Dreams are Made From? Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 13, 1998.

276.   Formation and Application of Single- and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Physics Colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, October 15, 1998.

277.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes - A Wealth of New Materials from Carbon. Prensentation at the Symposium on "Frontiers in Physical Science for High School Teachers", Michigan State University, East Lansing, October 23-24, 1998.

278.   Dynamik merhwändiger Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen: Vom Supraleiter zur Nano-Memory. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), November 11, 1998.

* 279.   Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties of Self-Assembling Nanotube Systems. Invited talk at the International Cluster Workshop (ICW-98) at the Walther-Nernst Institute of the Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany), November 12, 1998.

280.   Elektronische Eigenschaften und Dynamik von merhwaendigen Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 21, 1998.


281.   Dynamique des nanotubes multi-feuillets: d'un superconducteur à une nano-mémoire. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Université de Montpellier, January 7, 1999.

282.   Electronic structure and optical excitations in solid Csx clusters and Cs coated C60 molecules. Oral contribution of Daniel Östling, David Tománek, and Arne Rosén at the 1999 APS March Meeting in Atlanta (GA), March 23, 1999.

283.   Laser driven atomic pump. Oral contribution of Petr Král and David Tománek at the 1999 APS March Meeting in Atlanta (GA), March 25, 1999.

284.   Synthesis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a "Bucky-Shuttle" Memory Device. Oral contribution of David Tománek, Young-Kyun Kwon, and Sumio Iijima at the 1999 APS March Meeting in Atlanta (GA), March 25, 1999.

285.   Orientational Melting in Carbon Nanotube Ropes. Oral contribution of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek at the 1999 APS March Meeting in Atlanta (GA), March 26, 1999.

* 286.   Modeling of Nanotube-Based Nanostructures. Invited talk at a workshop on Large-Scle Production of Carbon Nanotubes, organized by the "Knowledge Foundation" in Washington, D.C., April 22-23, 1999.

287.   Self-assembly and device applications of carbon nanotubes. Seminar talk at Allied Signal Inc., Morristown (New Jersey), May 24, 1999.

288.   Carbon nanotubes: A new class of self-assembling materials. Seminar talk at General Motors Research Laboratory, Warren (Michigan), June 3, 1999.

* 289.   Modeling of nanotube-based devices. Invited talk at the Cluster workshop at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), June 18-19, 1999.

290.   Self-assembly and device applications of carbon nanotubes. Seminar talk at University of Lisbon (Portugal), July 2, 1999.

291.   Use of self-assembled nanotubes as memory and logic devices. Presentation at the DARPA Moletronics Principal Investigator's Meeting at George Washington University's Virginia Campus in Ashburn, Virginia, July 8-9, 1999.

292.   Künstliche Nanostrukturen: Von der Theorie zu Anwendungen. Colloquium talk at the Free University Berlin, July 12, 1999.

* 293.   Dynamics of Interacting Nanotubes. Invited talk of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek, presented by Young-Kyun Kwon, at the NANOTUBE-99 conference in East Lansing, Michigan, July 26, 1999.

* 294.   Equilibrium structure and dynamics of interacting carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the Second International Conference on Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials (NanoteC'99) at the University of Sussex, England, September 9, 1999.

295.   Self-assembly and dynamics of carbon nanotube systems. Colloquium talk at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne (IL), September 17, 1999.

296.   Ungewohnte physikalische Phänomene in Quasi-1D Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Theory Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany, October 4, 1999.

* 297.   Man-Made Nanostructures: From Theory to Applications. Invited talk at the "Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters" (TAMC-3) Conference in Berlin, Germany, October 9, 1999.

298.   Structural and Orientational Melting in Carbon Nanotubes. Poster contribution of Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek at the "Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters" (TAMC-3) Conference in Berlin, Germany, October 7, 1999.

299.   Are there magnetic magic numbers? Oral contribution of Young-Kyun Kwon, Pedro C. Serra, David Tománek, and Jorge M. Pacheco at the "Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters" (TAMC-3) Conference in Berlin, Germany, October 8, 1999.

300.   Iron Clusters: Interplay between Structure and Magnetism. Poster contribution of Pedro C. Serra, Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek, and Jorge M. Pacheco at the "Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters" (TAMC-3) Conference in Berlin, Germany, October 8, 1999.

301.   Self-assembly and fragmentation dynamics of atomic and molecular aggregates. Interdisciplinary Seminar in Biological Sciences, Michigan State University, October 13, 1999.

* 302.   Quantum Transport and Data Storage in Nanotube Devices. Invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 30, 1999.

303.   Carbon Nanotubes: From Modeling to Applications. Seminar talk at the DuPont Company, Wilmington, DE, December 6, 1999.

304.   Carbon Nanotubes: From Modeling to Applications. MNEC seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Electrical Engineering, East Lansing, Michigan, December 15, 1999.

305.   Carbon Nanotubes: From Modeling to Applications. Seminar talk at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, December 7, 1999.

306.   Breaking the Micron Barrier in Nanostructures. Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, December 9, 1999.

307.   Ungewohnte physikalische Phänomene in quasi ein-dimensionalen Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 20, 1999.

308.   Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen: Von der Synthese zu Anwendungen. Seminar talk at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, December 21, 1999.

309.   Kohlenstoff-Nanotubulen: Theorie, Synthese, Anwendungen. Seminar talk at the Universität Fribourg, Switzerland, December 22, 1999.


* 310.   Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the NASA R&D Technology Review Meeting, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, February 2, 2000.

* 311.   Quantum Transport in Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the IWEPNM'2000 Workshop in Kirchberg (Austria), March 6, 2000.

312.   Coherent Control of Photocurrents in Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of E.J. Mele, P. Kräl, D. Tománek at the 2000 March Meeting in Minneapolis (MN), March 21, 2000.

313.   Thermal Conductance of Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of Savas Berber, Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek at the 2000 March Meeting in Minneapolis (MN), March 21, 2000.

314.   Are There Magnetic Magic Numbers? Contributed talk of David Tománek, Young-Kyun Kwon, Pedro Serra, Jorge Pacheco at the 2000 March Meeting in Minneapolis (MN), March 22, 2000.

315.   Fractional Quantum Conductance in Carbon Nanotubes Contributed talk of Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek, Stefano Sanvito, Colin J. Lambert at the 2000 March Meeting in Minneapolis (MN), March 22, 2000.

316.   High Performance Implementation of a Carbon Molecular Dynamics Code on a Cluster of Workstations. Contributed poster of Mihai Horoi, Richard Enbody, David Tománek at the 2000 March Meeting in Minneapolis (MN), March 20-24, 2000.

* 317.   Behavior of Nanotube Devices under Normal and Extreme Conditions. Invited talk at the Workshop on Carbon Nanotubes, organized by the Knowledge Foundation in Miami, Florida, April 10-11, 2000.

318.   Quantum transport in carbon nanotubes. Contributed talk at the "Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Workshop" at Michigan State University, April 15, 2000.

319.   Unusual Physical Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Condensed Matter Theory Seminar talk at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 24, 2000.

320.   Electronic Structure and Optical Excitations in Metal Clusters and Metal Coated C60. Contributed talk of A. Rosén, D. &#Ouml;stling, and D. Tománek at the 197th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 16, 2000.

321.   Scrolls and Nested Tubes in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of S. Subramoney, J.G. Lavin, R.S. Ruoff, and D. Tománek at the 197th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 17, 2000.

322.   Characterization of the Emission Properties of Hybrid Films Containing Carbon Nanotubes. Contributed talk of V. Ayres, D. Tománek, D. Aslam, A. Hoffman, M. Farhan, U.S. Kim, and S. Berber at the 197th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 17, 2000.

323.   Une pléthore de phénomènes rares dans les nanotubes de carbone. Seminar talk at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, May 23, 2000.

* 324.   Carbon nanotubes as building blocks in bio-compatible nanoscale electromechnical systems (NEMS). Invited talk at the Nano-Biotechnology workshop at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, June 14-15, 2000.

* 325.   Thermal and electrical conductance of carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the NATO Advanced Study Institute in Erice (Italy), July 19-30, 2000.

326.   Use of self-assembled nanotube devices in molecular electronics. Presentation at the ONR/DARPA PI Meeting on Molecular Electronics, Lake Tahoe, August 10, 2000.

* 327.   Thermal and Electric Transport in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the Meeting of the Japanese Physical Society, Niigata, Japan, September 23, 2000.

328.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan, October 2, 2000.

329.   Unusual thermal and electrical conductance of nanotubes. Seminar talk at Kobe University, Japan, October 3, 2000.

330.   Unusual thermal and electrical conductance of nanotubes. Seminar talk at NIRIM, Tsukuba, Japan, October 5, 2000.

331.   Unusual Physical Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at NEC Research Lab, Tsukuba, Japan, October 6, 2000.

332.   Exceptional thermal and electric transport properties of carbon nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Physics Department of Nagoya University, Japan, October 17, 2000.

* 333.   Unusual Transport Behavior in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the Second Meeting on Fullerenes and Nanotubes in Kanasawa, Japan, 19 October, 2000.

334.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, October 25, 2000.

* 335.   Molecular Electronics: Isomer Transitions and Transport Properties of a Single Molecule. Invited talk at the Third Japan-Korea Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (JK2000) Tsukuba, Japan, October 31, 2000.

336.   Molecular Electronics: Isomer Transitions and Transport Properties of a Single Molecule. Group seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, November 6, 2000.

337.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Presentation in the Takayanagi Group of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, November 10, 2000.

* 338.   Self-assembly of carbon nanostructures: From nanotubes to nano-peapods. Invited talk at the First International Symposium on Nanoarchitectonics using Suprainteraction (NASI1), Tsukuba, Japan, November 15, 2000.

339.   Use of self-assembled nanotube devices in molecular electronics. Seminar talk at the COE at NRIM, Tsukuba, Japan, November 16, 2000.

340.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo, December 1, 2000.

341.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, December 4, 2000.

342.   Nanotechnology by design: Making your money work on the atomic scale. Public seminar at the Asian Technology Information Program center in Tokyo, December 12, 2000.

343.   Exceptional thermal and electric transport properties of carbon nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Physics Department of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, December 20, 2000.

344.   Nanotechnology by design: Properties and device applications of nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Samsung Research Institute (SAIT) in Seoul, Korea, December 22, 2000.

345.   Nanotechnology: Investing in the Future. Management-level seminar at the Samsung Research Institute (SAIT) in Seoul, Korea, December 22, 2000.

346.   Nanotechnology: A New Challenge to Industry and Academia. Seminar at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Seoul, Korea, December 22, 2000.

347.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Physics Department of Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea, December 26, 2000.

348.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Physics Department of Wonkwang University, Iksan, Korea, December 26, 2000.

349.   Magnetic Nanostructures: From ferrofluids to chemotherapy of cancer. Seminar talk at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, December 27, 2000.

350.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Physics Department of the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, December 28, 2000.

351.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea, December 29, 2000.


352.   Nanotechnology by design: Properties and device applications of nanotubes. Colloquium talk at Boston College, Boston, MA, February 14, 2001.

353.   Nanotechnology by design: Use of nanotubes in nanoscale devices. Materials Engineering/Mechanics Seminar at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, February 16, 2001.

* 354.   Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods. Keynote lecture at the symposium on "Advanced and next generation simulations for nano-technology", Tokyo (Japan), February 20, 2001.

* 355.   Thermal and Electric Transport in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the 41st Sanibel Symposium, St. Augustine, Florida, February 24 - March 2, 2001.

356.   Hybrid graphitic foam: A new engineering material? Contributed talk of Koichiro Umemoto, David Tománek, Susumu Saito, Savas Berber at the 2001 March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 12, 2001.

357.   Packing of Fullerenes in Nanotube Peapods. Contributed talk of Masako Yudasaka, Kaori Hirahara, David Tománek, Shunji Bandow, Sumio Iijima at the 2001 March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 12, 2001.

358.   Structural transitions and transport in a molecular switch. Contributed talk of Mina Yoon, David Tománek, Jorge M. Pacheco, Gueorgui K. Gueorguiev, Steven W.D. Bailey, Colin J. Lambert at the 2001 March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 13, 2001.

359.   Charge redistribution and electron affinity of carbon nanotube systems. Contributed talk of Susumu Saito, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, David Tománek at the 2001 March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 13, 2001.

* 360.   Phonon modes and thermal conductance in carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the 2001 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Seattle (WA), March 16, 2001.

361.   Microscopic formation mechanism of nanotube-based peapods. Contributed talk of Savas Berber, Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek at the 2001 March Meeting in Seattle (WA), March 16, 2001.

362.   Formation Dynamics and Equilibrium Structure of Nanotube Peapods. Poster contribution of Savas Berber, Mina Yoon and David Tománek at the CFMR Spring Symposium at Michigan State University, March 26, 2001.

363.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Colloquium talk at the Research School of Physics, Canberra, Australia, May 1, 2001.

* 364.   Mesoscopic origami with graphite: fullerenes, nanotubes, peapods. Invited talk at the Australian Fullerene/Nanotube conference, Canberra, Australia, May 3-4, 2001.

* 365.   Molecular Electronics: Switching and Transport in a Polymer. Invited talk at the International Workshop on Quantum Transport in Synthetic Metals III (QTSM-III), Seoul, Korea, May 8-11, 2001.

366.   Formation and Applications of Nanostructured Carbon: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods. Seminar talk at the company headquarters of Toray, Tokyo, Japan, 14 May 2001.

* 367.   Structural rigidity and thermal conductance of nanostructured carbon: nanotubes and foams. Invited talk at the Workshop on Thermal Materials, Churchill College, Cambridge, U.K., 31 May 2001.

368.   Formation and Applications of Nanostructured Carbon: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at UCAR Carbon Company Research, Parma, Ohio, 5 June 2001.

369.   Nanotechnology: Investing in the 21st Century. Management-level seminar at Nissho Iwai American Corporation, New York, June 20, 2001.

* 370.   A Sightseeing Tour of the Nano-World: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods. Public presentation at the 26th Nathiagali Summer College, Nathiagali, Pakistan, July 9-13, 2001.

* 371.   Formation Mechanism and Physical Properties of Fullerenes and Nanotubes. Lecture series at the 26th Nathiagali Summer College, Nathiagali, Pakistan, July 9-13, 2001.

372.   Formation mechanism and packing of nanotube peapods. Poster-plus presentation of Savas Berber, Mina Yoon, and David Tománek at the International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'01), Potsdam, Germany, July 22-25, 2001.

373.   Scroll-to-nanotube transformation: The zipper mechanism. Poster-plus presentation of Savas Berber and David Tománek at the International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'01), Potsdam, Germany, July 22-25, 2001.

374.   Scrolls and Nested Structures in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. Poster-plus presentation of Shekhar Subramoney, Gerry Lavin, Rodney Ruoff, David Tománek, Savas Berber at the International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'01), Potsdam, Germany, July 22-25, 2001.

375.   Interwall interaction and charge redistribution in double-wall carbon nanotubes. Poster-plus presentation of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Susumu Saito, and David Tománek at the International Workshop on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'01), Potsdam, Germany, July 22-25, 2001.

* 376.   Nanomachined carbon: Nanotubes, fullerenes, peapods. Invited talk at the Sixth Applied Diamond Conference / Second Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference, Auburn, Alabama, August 9, 2001.

* 377.   Microscopic switching of a molecular memory device. Invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, August 26-30, 2001.

* 378.   Nanotechnology with carbon: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods. Keynote lecture at 'Nanotec 2001' (conference on Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials), University of Sussex, England, August 30, 2001.

379.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics and Measurement Technology, Linköping University, Sweden, September 20-21, 2001.

* 380.   Mesoscopic origami with graphite: Scrolls, nanotubes, peapods. Invited talk at the Tsukuba Symposium on Carbon Nanotube, in commemoration of its 10th Anniversary, Tsukuba, Japan, October 3-5, 2001.

381.   Unusual Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Colloquium at the School of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 24 October 2001.

* 382.   Ballistic conductance in quantum devices: From organic polymers to nanotubes. Invited talk at the 1st Korean-Swedish Bilateral Symposium at Seoul National University, Korea, November 5-7, 2001.

* 383.   From origami to zippers: Hierarchical assembly of nanostructured carbon. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Nanocarbons 2001 in Nagano, Japan, November 15, 2001.

384.   From origami to zippers: Formation and Destruction of Carbon Nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, November 23, 2001.

385.   Nanostructured carbon: From defective tubes to rigid foam. Seminar talk at the School of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, November 29, 2001.

386.   Les phénomènes mystérieux des nanotubes quasi unidimensionnels. Seminar talk at ONERA in Paris, France, 13 December 2001.

387.   The Wonderful World of Nanotubes: From an Idea to Applications. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 17, 2001.

388.   Unusual Physical Phenomena in Quasi-1D Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland, December 18, 2001.

389.   Les phénomènes mystérieux des nanotubes quasi unidimensionnels. Seminar talk at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 20, 2001.

390.   Nanotechnology by design: Making your money work on the atomic scale. Public seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), December 21, 2001.


391.   Modeling microscopic processes in nanotechnology. Seminar talk at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles, USA, January 15, 2002.

* 392.   The Wonderful World of Nanotubes: From an Idea to Applications. Invited talk at the first inaugural workshop of the Center for Nanotubes and Nanostructured Composites (CNNC) at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon (Korea), January 25-26, 2002.

* 393.   Computer Modeling of Novel Nanostructures. Keynote lecture at the second symposium on "Advanced and next generation simulations for nano-technology", Tokyo (Japan), February 14, 2002.

394.   The wonderful world of nanotechnology. Seminar talk at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan), February 15, 2002.

* 395.   Healing of Defects During the Self-Assembly of Nanotubes. Invited talk at the inauguration symposium of the KAIST Nano Science and Technology Research Institute, Daejon, Korea, March 12, 2002.

396.   Excited State Dynamics of Carbon Nanotubes with Defects: A Time-Dependent Kohn-Sham Approach. Contributed talk of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Savas Berber, Mina Yoon, David Tománek, and Angel Rubio at the 2002 March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN, March 18 - 22, 2002.

397.   Equilibrium Structure of Ferrofluid Aggregates. Contributed talk of Mina Yoon and David Tománek at the 2002 March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN, March 18 - 22, 2002.

398.   Scroll-to-nanotube transition: The zipper mechanism. Contributed talk of Savas Berber, Mina Yoon, and David Tománek at the 2002 March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN, March 18 - 22, 2002.

399.   Packing and Fusion of Fullerenes in Nanotube Peapods. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Mina Yoon, Savas Berber, and Eiji Osawa at the 2002 March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN, March 18 - 22, 2002.

* 400.   Ballistic conductance in quantum devices: From nanotubes to organic polymers. Invited talk at the European Conference on Carbon-Based Molecular Electronics, Malvern, UK, April 17-19, 2002.

* 401.   Magnetism in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the Informal Meeting on Carbon Ferromagnetism, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, April 28, 2002.

* 402.   Magnetotransport and intrinsic magnetism in carbon-based nanotubes. Invited talk at the QTSM'02/QFS'02 conference at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, May 8-10, 2002.

* 403.   Nanotechnology with carbon: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods. Featured lecture at the Centennial Meeting of the Electrochemical Society in Philadelphia, PA, May 12-17, 2002.

* 404.   Nanotube peapods: Cluster-surface interaction in a reduced dimension. Invited talk at the EURESCO conference on "Clusters at Surfaces", Granada, Spain, June 6, 2002.

405.   Computer Modeling of Carbon Nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Nanotechnology Research Institute, Natl. Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, June 11, 2002.

406.   Multifunctional Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at the NEC Research Lab, Tsukuba, Japan, June 13, 2002.

407.   Multifunctional Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, June 21, 2002.

408.   Multifunctional Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at the NanoCarbon Research Institute, Mobara, Japan, June 24, 2002.

409.   Multifunctional Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at the Department of Chemistry, University of Nagoya, Japan, June 26, 2002.

410.   Multifunctional Carbon Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods, Foams. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, June 27, 2002.

411.   Massively parallel simulations of nanotube and peapod formation. Poster+ presentation of Syogo Tejima, Mikio Iizuka, Kazuo Minami, Hisashi Nakamura, Mina Yoon, Savas Berber, David Tománek, Noejung Park, Hiroshi Okuda at the Nanotube'02 conference in Boston, MA, July 7, 2002.

412.   The nanotube as a reactor: Fullerene fusion in peapods. Poster+ presentation of Noejung Park, Mina Yoon, Jisoon Ihm, Eiji Osawa, and David Tománek at the Nanotube'02 conference in Boston, MA, July 7, 2002.

413.   Fusion Mechanism of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Stone-Wales Rearrangements. Poster+ presentation of by Gunn Kim, Mina Yoon, Sangbong Lee, Jisoon Ihm, Eiji Osawa and David Tománek at the Nanotube'02 conference in Boston, MA, July 7, 2002.

414.   Occurrence of magnetism in heterostructured C/BN nanotubes. Poster+ presentation of Jin Choi, Yong-Hyun Kim, K.J. Chang, and David Tománek at the Nanotube'02 conference in Boston, MA, July 9, 2002.

415.   Defect influence on the electronic structure and properties of carbon nanotubes. Poster+ presentation of A.V. Okotrub, L.G. Bulusheva, A.V. Belavin, A.I. Romanenko, D. Tománek at the Nanotube'02 conference in Boston, MA, July 9, 2002.

416.   Drug release using magnetic nanoparticles. Seminar talk at the collaborative NIRT meeting at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, August 16, 2002.

417.   Carbon nanotube simulations on the Earth Simulator. Seminar talk at the RIST collaboration meeting in Tokyo, Japan, August 23, 2002.

418.   Cooking with nanostructured carbon. Condensed Matter Physics Seminar talk at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 16 September, 2002.

419.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Special seminar for students at Michigan State University, November 20, 2002.

420.   A Handful of Surprises with Nanostructured Carbon. Condensed Matter Physics seminar talk at the Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung in Stuttgart, Germany, December 16, 2002.

421.   Carbon Nanotechnology Origami-Style. Seminar talk at the Institute of Physics of Complex Matter of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, (Switzerland), December 17, 2002.


* 422.   Nanoelectronics with Carbon. Invited talk at the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, January 5, 2003.

423.   Weaving Nanotechnology Dreams with Nanotubes. Colloquium at Fermilab, Batavia, IL, January 15, 2003.

* 424.   Carbon-Based Building Blocks for Nanoelectronics. Invited talk at the Fourth International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries, and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials (NeS3SC-4), San Diego, California, January 16 - 21, 2003.

* 425.   Weaving Nanotechnology Dreams with Nanostructured Carbon. Plenary invited talk at the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology in Wellington, New Zealand, February 10 - 14, 2003.

426.   Massively Parallel Simulation on Large-Scale Carbon Nanotubes. Contribution of S. Tejima, S. Berber, K. Minami, N. Jimbo, H. Namamura, Y. Kanada and D. Tománek at the Third International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICCN2003) in San Francisco, California, February 23-27, 2003.

* 427.   Defect Engineering in Carbon Nanostructures. Invited talk at the Workshop on Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Growth Mechanisms, Guadalupe River Ranch and Spa, Boerne, Texas, February 28 - March 2, 2003.

428.   Photo-induced cleaning of oxidized carbon nanotubes. Contributed talk of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Angel Rubio, and David Tománek at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 3, 2003.

429.   Morphological changes in graphitic nanostructures by Stone-Wales transformations. Contributed talk of Mina Yoon, Seungwu Han, Gunn Kim, Sangbong Lee, Jisoon Ihm, Eiji Osawa, Mauricio Terrones, Florian Banhart, Jean-Christophe Charlier, Nicole Grobert, Humberto Terrones, Pulickel M. Ajayan, and David Tománek at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 3, 2003.

430.   Diamondoids as functional building blocks for nanotechnology. Contributed talk of Noejung Park, Mina Yoon, Savas Berber, Gregory McIntosh, Syogo Tejima, Hisashi Nakamura, Eiji Osawa, and David Tománek at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 4, 2003.

431.   Computer simulations of structural transitions in large ferrofluid aggregates. Contributed talk of Mina Yoon and David Tománek at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 4, 2003.

* 432.   Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 5, 2003.

433.   Computer Simulations of sp2 Bonded Super-Hard Carbon Nanostructures. Contributed talk of Savas Berber, Syogo Tejima, Kazuo Minami, Noboru Jimbo, Hisashi Nakamura, Noejung Park, Yasumasa Kanada, Eiji Osawa, and David Tománek at the 2003 APS March Meeting in Austin, TX, March 6, 2003.

* 434.   Carbon Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria, March 10, 2003.

435.   Weaving Nanotechnology Dreams with Nanotubes. Physics Colloquium talk at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 2, 2003.

436.   Carbon-Based Building Blocks for Nanotechnology. Seminar talk at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, April 23, 2003.

437.   Weaving Nanotechnology Dreams with Nanotubes. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, June 6, 2003.

438.   The nanotube as an autoclave: Simulating reactions of fullerenes and diamondoids. Poster contribution of Mina Yoon, Gregory McIntosh, Seungwu Han, Savas Berber, Eiji Osawa, and David Tománek at the NANOTUBE'03 International Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 7, 2003.

* 439.   Nanostructured Carbon: Nanotubes and Beyond. Invited talk at the NANOTUBE'03 International Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 8, 2003.

440.   Large scale simulations on the thermal conductivity of the carbon nanotube. Poster contribution of Syogo Tejima, Savas Berber, Noboru Jinbo, Kazuo Minami, Noejung Park, Mina Yoon, Hisashi Nakamura, and David Tománek at the NANOTUBE'03 International Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 8, 2003.

441.   Occurrence of local magnetic moment in all-carbon fullerenes and nanotubes. Poster contribution of Yong-Hyun Kim, J. Choi, Kee Joo Chang, and D. Tománek at the NANOTUBE'03 International Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 10, 2003.

442.   Ultra-Fast Nanotube De-Oxidation Induced by Electronic Excitations. Oral presentation of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Noboru Jinbo, Angel Rubio, and David Tománek at the NANOTUBE'03 International Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 11, 2003.

* 443.   Large-Scale Computer Simulations of Carbon Nanostructures. Invited talk at the Nano Carbon Kenkyukai meeting in Tokyo, Japan, July 13, 2003.

444.   Theoretical Studies of Carbon Nanostructures. Physics seminar at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, August 4, 2003.

445.   Carbon Nanotube Based Nanotechnology. Outreach Nanotechnology seminar at Engelhard corporation, Iselin, NJ, August 7, 2003.

446.   Structural Transitions in Ferrofluid Systems. NSF-NIRT report at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, August 9, 2003.

447.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the Applied Diamond Conference/ Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/FCT 2003) in Tsukuba, Japan, August 20, 2003.

* 448.   Computational Nanotechnology with Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the Carbon Nanotube Symposium in Nagano, Japan, August 22, 2003.

* 449.   Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the Swiss Nanofair 2003, St. Gallen, Switzerland, September 11, 2003.

450.   Carbon Nanotubes and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, October 3, 2003.

451.   Graphite origami and nanotechnology. Applied Mathematics seminar talk at Michigan State University, October 10, 2003.

* 452.   Invited talk at the DOE-NSET Workshop on Artificially Nanostructured materials: Formation and Properties, River Terrace Resort and Convention Center, Gatlinburg, TN, October 13, 2003.

453.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Student seminar at Michigan State University, November 12, 2003.

* 454.   The Dawn of Computational Nanotechnology. Invited talk at the Satellite meeting "HPC Innovation for Nanotechnology" (BOF #128) of the Supercomputing 2003 Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 18, 2003.

* 455.   Designer Carbon-Based Building Blocks for Nanotechnology. Invited talk at the International Conference on Quantum Transport in Synthetic Metals (QTSM) and Quantum Functional Semiconductors (QFS) 2003, Seoul, Korea, November 21, 2003.

456.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Seminar talk at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, December 5, 2003.

457.   Nanotechnology with Carbon-Based nanoLEGO. Seminar talk at the Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, December 15, 2003.


458.   Nanostructured Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. General Colloquium talk at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 5, 2004.

* 459.   Electronic Structure and Quantum Transport in Carbon-Based Nanostructures. Invited talk at the workshop on "Advances in Molecular Electronics: From molecular materials to single molecule devices" (ADMOL), Dresden, Germany, February 22 - 27, 2004.

* 460.   Role of Computer Simulations in Nanotechnology. Invited talk at the symposium "Computational Nanotechnology: The Next Frontier" of the 2004 Nanotechnology Conference (Nano Tech 2004) in Tokyo, Japan, March 15-19, 2004.

461.   Magnetism in all-carbon nanostructures with negative Gaussian curvature. Contributed talk of Noejung Park, Mina Yoon, Savas Berber, Jisoon Ihm, Eiji Osawa, and David Tománek at the 2004 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.

462.   Targeted medication delivery using magnetic nanostructures. Contributed talk of Mina Yoon and David Tománek at the 2004 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.

463.   Applications of Nanotubes in Nanoscale Electro- Mechanical Systems (NEMS). Contributed talk of Savas Berber, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek at the 2004 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.

* 464.   Synthesis and morphology conversion of nanotubes. Invited talk at the Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, California, March 28 - April 1, 2004.

* 465.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the Conference on "Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-assembled Architectures and Devices", Snowbird, Utah, April 23, 2004.

* 466.   Magnetic Behavior of Carbon Nanostructures. Invited talk at the 205th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Texas, May 11, 2004.

* 467.   Nanoscale carbon building blocks for nanotechnology. Invited talk of E. Kim, C. Chen, and D. Tománek at the Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Strasbourg, France, May 25, 2004.

* 468.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the 2nd New England International Nanomanufacturing Workshop, Northeastern University, Boston (MA), June 29, 2004.

469.   Mo6S4.5I4.5 Nanowires: High Resolution TEM Observations and Electronic Structure Calculations. Contribution of Valeria Nicolosi, Savas Berber, Jonathan N. Coleman, Jeremy Sloan, David Tománek, Dragan Mihailovic, and Werner J. Blau at the International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico, July 19-23, 2004.

470.   Simulation Study on Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes. Contribution of Masamitsu Kobayashi, Hideyuki Kawakami, Syogo Tejima, Yoong Ahm Kim, Takuya Hayashi, David Tománek, and Morinobu Endo at the International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico, July 19-23, 2004.

471.   Mechanical Properties of Undulating Long Nanotubes under Axial Strain. Contribution of Syogo Tejima, Noejung Park, Savas Berber, Hisashi Nakamura, and David Tománek at the International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico, July 19-23, 2004.

472.   Conducting properties of chemically doped single wall carbon nanotubes. Contribution of Urszula Dettlaff-Weglikowska, Viera Skakalova, Ralf Graupner, Sung Ho Jhang, Lothar Ley, Yung Woo Park, Siegmar Roth, Savas Berber, and David Tománek at the International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico, July 19-23, 2004.

473.   Ultrafast decay of excited carriers in carbon nanotubes: Time-dependent density functional approach. Contribution of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Angel Rubio, and David Tománek at the International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico, July 23, 2004.

* 474.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Nanotechnology Workshop of the CARAMEL-ELENA Consortia, Helsinki, Finland, August 30, 2004.

475.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Finland, September 1, 2004.

476.   Carbon-Based Building Blocks for Nanotechnology. Seminar talk at the Materials Science and Engineering Department of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 16 September 2004.

* 477.   Computational Nanotechnology: From Clusters to Devices. Invited talk at the workshop on Nuclei and Mesoscopic Physics at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 23, 2004.

478.   Nanostructured Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium of the Department of Physics and NanoTech Institute of the University of Texas at Dallas, November 2, 2004.

479.   Nanostructured Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Seminar talk at the Friday Physics Forum of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 5, 2004.

* 480.   Defect management and morphology changes in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Nanocarbons 2004, Nagano, Japan, November 17, 2004.

* 481.   Defect management and morphology changes in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in Boston, MA, December 1, 2004.

482.   Computational Nanoscience: From New Materials to Nano-Medicine. Seminar talk at the Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Finland, December 16, 2004.

483.   Nanostructured Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium of the University of Regensburg, Germany, December 20, 2004.


* 484.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the 134th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) in San Francisco, CA, February 14, 2005.

* 485.   Defect assisted morphology changes in nanostructures. Invited talk at the U.S.-Mexico Workshop "NanoScience for Advanced Applications: On Crossroads of Disciplines" in Guanajuato, Mexico, February 16-19, 2005.

486.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. "Frontier Lecture Series" Colloquium talk at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, March 7, 2005.

487.   Nanotechnology: From new materials to nanomedicine. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, March 8, 2005.

488.   Molecular modeling: structure and stability. Lecture in the "Current Issues in Nanomanufacturing" course at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, March 10, 2005.

* 489.   Can Photochemistry Save Nanotechnology? Invited talk at the "Carbon Nanotubes, Polymers, And Complex Fluids" symposium, co-sponsored by the POLY and PMSE ACS divisions at the 229th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in San Diego, CA, March 13, 2005.

490.   Structural and Electronic Properties of Mo6SxI9-x Nanowires. Presentation of Teng Yang, Jiping Li, Savas Berber and David Tománek at the 2005 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Los Angeles, CA, March 24, 2005.

* 491.   (Trans)formation of carbon nanotubes: Role of electronic and thermal excitations. Invited talk at the Workshop on Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Growth Mechanisms, Guadalupe River Ranch and Spa, Boerne, Texas, April 9, 2005.

492.   Festkörperphysik in unserem Leben: von neuen Materialen zur Nanomedizin. Vielberth Lecture at the University of Regensburg, Germany, May 9, 2005.

493.   Guiding Nanomanufacturing Research Using Modeling. Summary presentation at the NSF site visit at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), Boston, MA, June 7, 2005.

494.   Connecting and Repairing Nanostructures: Concerns and Solutions. Seminar talk at VTT, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, June 10, 2005.

495.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Presentation at the TEKES funding agency, Helsinki, Finland, June 17, 2005.

496.   Nanotechnology in our Life: From new Materials to Nanomedicine. Seminar talk at VTT, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, June 20, 2005.

497.   Formation mechanism and physical properties of fullerenes and nanotubes. Lecture at VTT, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, June 20, 2005.

* 498.   Solving Nanotube Puzzles on a Supercomputer. Keynote invited talk at the 2005 International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'05) in Gothenburg, Sweden, June 30, 2005.

* 499.   Designing nanoelectronics. Invited talk at the "Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnologies" thematic group of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Unit of the European Commission, Brussels, October 12, 2005.

* 500.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the "Multiscale Modeling in Condensed Matter and Materials Science" workshop at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), October 20, 2005.

501.   Carbon Nanostructures and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 22, 2005.

502.   Nanotechnology in our Life: From new Materials to Nanomedicine. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 23, 2005.

* 503.   Pushing Computational Limits on the Earth Simulator: From Nanotechnology to Drug Delivery. Invited talk at the 3rd Nano-Simulation Technology Workshop Tokyo, Japan, November 24, 2005.

* 504.   Living and working with defects in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the ARCCFN Conference on "Advances in Functional Nanomaterials", Maroochydore (QLD), Australia, November 30, 2005.

505.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. Physics Colloquium at the University of Basel, Switzerland, December 16, 2005.


* 506.   (Trans)formation of carbon nanotubes: Role of electronic and thermal excitations. Invited talk at the XVth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP'06) in Obergurgl, Austria, February 4, 2006.

507.   Density functional study of cyclacene-based carbon nanotubular compounds. Contribution of Shinya Okano, Glen P. Miller, and David Tománek at the 2006 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD, March 13, 2006.

508.   Compositional and magnetic ordering in Mo6S9-xIx nanowires. Contribution of Teng Yang, Shinya Okano, and David Tománek at the 2006 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD, March 13, 2006.

509.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited carrier dynamics in carbon nanotubes. Contribution of Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Angel Rubio Secades, and David Tománek at the 2006 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD, March March 14, 2006.

510.   Role of electronic excitations in ion collisions with carbon nanostructures. Contribution of David Tománek, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, and Arkady Krasheninnikov at the 2006 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD, March 15, 2006.

511.   A comparison of the electronic structure and optical plasmons in Csx clusters, Csx shells and C60 coated with a Csx shell. Contribution of Arne Rosen, Jens Ekengren, Johan Sjoeholm, Mats Andersson , Daniel Östling, David Tománek at the 2006 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD, March 16, 2006.

512.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the third U.S.-Korea Forum on Active Nano Devices and Systems, Seoul, Korea, April 3, 2006.

513.   Connecting and Repairing Nanostructures: Concerns and Solutions. Seminar talk at the Department of Nano-Chemical Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands, April 10, 2006.

* 514.   Carbon Nanostructures and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Invited talk at the Conference on Computational Methods in Materials Science, TU Delft, The Netherlands, April 13, 2006.

* 515.   Living and working with defects in carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the American Vacuum Society-Michigan Chapter's 33rd Annual Spring Symposium on the Science and Application of One-Dimensional Nanostructures, Wayne State University, May 4, 2006.

* 516.   Nano-LEGO: From clusters to wires. Invited talk at the DFG Workshop on Clusters at Surfaces, Rostock/Warnemünde, Germany, June 1, 2006.

517.   Summary presentation of Theory Projects during the NSF site visit at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), Boston, MA, June 8, 2006.

* 518.   Nanotubes: Introduction and theoretical background. Tutorial lecture at the Seventh Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'06 - in Nagano, Japan, June 18, 2006.

* 519.   Can Computer Modeling Guide Nanomanufacturing? Invited presentation at the 1st Meeting of the Nanocarbon Research Committee in Nagano, Japan, June 18, 2006.

520.   Crisis of Creativity, Culture, and Communication? Regensburger Nachtespräch, University of Regensburg, Germany, June 27, 2006.

* 521.   Electronic, mechanical, and thermal properties of nanotubes. Invited presentation at the Nanotube Summer School in Cargèse, Corsica, France, July 8, 2006.

* 522.   Designing Nanotechnology Devices on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN&T 2006), Basel, Switzerland, August 4, 2006.

* 523.   Excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanosystems in Chemnitz, August 29, 2006.

524.   Nanotechnology in our Life: From new Materials to Nanomedicine. Seminar talk at the Technical University Dresden, Germany, August 31, 2006.

* 525.   Fullerenes and nanotubes: from ashes to glory. Invited talk at the ACS Presidential Symposium Honoring Richard E. Smalley, Fall Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), San Francisco, CA, September 12, 2006.

526.   Nano-LEGO: From clusters to wires. Seminar talk at the IPICyT in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, September 15, 2006.

* 527.   Nano-LEGO: From clusters to wires. Invited talk at the Second Workshop on Nanoscience for Advanced Applications: on the Crossroads of Disciplines, Leon-Guanajuato, Mexico, September 21, 2006.

* 528.   Can Computer Modeling Guide Nanomanufacturing? Invited presentation at the Graduiertenkolleg Symposium of the University of Regensburg, Windberg, Germany, September 28, 2006.

* 529.   What makes clusters so special? Invited talk at the Arne Rosén symposium at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, October 20, 2006.

* 530.   Designing Carbon-Based Nanotechnology on a Supercomputer. Invited talk at the CECAM workshop on Simulations of Novel Carbon Materials, Lyon, France, October 25-28, 2006.

* 531.   Unexpected properties of carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the symposium on Nanostructured Biomaterials 2006 at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, November 15-16, 2006.

532.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and The Nanotechnology Revolution. Common seminar of the Physical Chemistry Institute and the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany, December 1, 2006.


533.   Real-time ab initio calculations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, January 22, 2007.

* 534.   Shaping the future: From nanostructures to nanotechnology. Invited talk at the 4th International Symposium on System Construction of Global-Network-Oriented Information Electronics (IGNOIE-COE06), organized by the 21 Century Center Of Excellence program of the Departments of Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and Information Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, January 23, 2007.

535.   Self-assembling nano-LEGO: From clusters to wires. Colloquium talk at the Institute for Solid State Research (IFF) in Jülich, Germany, February 2, 2007.

* 536.   Real-time simulations of excited-state dynamics in nanostructures. Invited talk at the 2007 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Denver, Colorado, March 7, 2007.

537.   Replicating carbon nanotubes with molybdenum chalcogenide nanowires. Contributed talk of Contributed talk of Teng Yang, David Tománek, Igor Popov, and Gotthard Seifert at the 2007 APS March Meeting in in Denver, Colorado, March 7, 2007.

538.   Improving upon carbon nanotubes with molybdenum chalcohalide nanowires. Contribution of Teng Yang, Savas Berber, David Tománek, Igor Popov, and Gotthard Seifert at the First symposium on Transition metal chalcogenide nanostructures (TMCN07) in Rathen, Germany, March 19, 2007.

539.   Real-time computer simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the University of Helsinki, March 30, 2007.

540.   Nanotubes, Buckyballs, and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the University of Duisburg-Essen, April 4, 2007.

* 541.   Towards a synthesis of chirality-controlled and defect-free carbon nanotubes. Invited talk at the Workshop on Nucleation and growth mechanisms of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Canyon of the Eagles Lodge and Nature Park, Burnet, Texas, April 17, 2007.

542.   Computational Nanotechnology: From clusters to nanowires. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of the University of Rostock, Germany, April 25, 2007.

* 543.   Die Nanotechnologie-Revolution. Invited presentation at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft" (Long Night of Science) at the University of Rostock, Germany, April 26, 2007.

545.   Summary presentation of Theory Projects at the NSF Center for High-Rate Nanomanufacturingduring (CHN) at the site visit at this Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) in Boston, MA, June 5, 2007.

546.   The Nanotechnology Revolution. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, June 7, 2007.

* 547.   From understanding to utilizing the amazing properties of nanotubes. Tutorial lecture at the Eighth Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT'07) in Ouro Preto, Brazil, June 24, 2007.

548.   Real-time computer simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, September 17, 2007.

* 549.   Buckyballs and Nanotubes: Nanomaterials for the Future. Presentation at the Nanotechnology Symposium for Educators and Journalists at the Boston Museum of Science, Boston, MA, October 26, 2007.

550.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 29, 2007.

551.   Shaping the Future: From Nanostructures to Nanotechnology . Symposium talk at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China, November 10, 2007.

552.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Xinda Seminar talk at the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China, November 16, 2007.

553.   Nanotube tutorial. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 20, 2007.

554.   Why is nano so much fun? Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 19, 2007.

* 555.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited-state dynamics in nanostructures. Invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in Boston, MA, November 27, 2007.

* 556.   Defect engineering of nanostructures. Invited talk at the First workshop entitled "Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials" (TRNM07; in Levi, Finland, December 11, 2007.

557.   Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen, Fullerene, und die Nanotechnologie-Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Department of Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany, December 18, 2007.


558.   Hydrogenation of graphitic nanocarbons. Contributed talk of Savas Berber, David Tomanek, Eunja Kim, Philippe F. Weck, and Glen P. Miller at the 2008 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 10, 2008.

559.   Interaction of Si atoms and Si-based radicals with carbon nanotubes and graphene monolayers. Contributed talk of Kiseok Chang, Savas Berber and David Tomanek at the 2008 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 10, 2008.

560.   Spin transport in rough graphene nanoribbons. Contributed talk of Inanc Adagideli, Michael Wimmer, Savas Berber, David Tomanek, and Klaus Richter at the 2008 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 11, 2008.

561.   Self-assembly of long chain alkanes and their derivatives on graphite. Contributed talk of Teng Yang, Savas Berber, David Tomanek, Jun-Fu Liu, and Glen P. Miller at the 2008 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 11, 2008.

* 562.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Set of invited lectures at the NSF PASI workshop on Ultrafast and Ultraslow Dynamics in Buzios, Brazil, April 8 and 10, 2008.

563.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Physics seminar talk at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 11, 2008.

564.   Real-time ab initio computer simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Presentation at the Las Vegas Friday Physics Forum of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, May 9, 2008.

565.   Nanotubes, Buckyballs, and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Physics Department of the University of Lund, Sweden, May 17 - 22, 2008.

* 566.   Molybdenum chalcohalide nanowire mysteries: Structure, rigidity and quantum transport. Plenary lecture at the second international workshop on Transition Metal Chalcohalide Nanostructures (TMCN08; in Portorož, Slovenia, May 23 - 27, 2008.
[Streaming video]

567.   Real-time ab initio computer simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Colloquium talk at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, June 5, 2008.

* 568.   Physical properties and devices based on nanotubes. Plenary summary presentation at the Ninth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT08) in Montpellier, France, July 3, 2008.

569.   Transforming carbon nanotubes to all-semiconductors by silylation. Poster contribution of David Tomanek, Kiseok Chang and Savas Berber at the Ninth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT08; in Montpellier, France, July 4, 2008.

* 570.   When carbon stops being carbon. Invited plenary talk at the CARBON 2008 conference in Nagano, Japan, July 16, 2008.

571.   Playing with buckyballs, nanotubes and graphene. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, August 31, 2008.

* 572.   Unique role of nanotubes among carbon allotropes. Invited review talk at the NaPhoD School on carbon nanotubes (, Porto Conte Ricerche, Sardinia, Italy, September 17, 2008.

* 573.   Real-time excited-state dynamics simulations in carbon nanotubes. Invited special topics presentation at the NaPhoD School on carbon nanotubes (, Porto Conte Ricerche, Sardinia, Italy, September 18, 2008.

* 574.   Real-time ab initio computer simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Invited plenary talk at the 7th Korea Conference on Innovative Science and Technology (KCIST08) on "Electronic Properties of Carbon Based Materials", Phoenix Park, Korea, October 21, 2008.

575.   Nanotechnology with Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and Graphene. Colloquium talk at Gebze Institute of Technology, December 16 - 21, 2008, Gebze, Turkey.


576.   Real-time ab initio simulations of excited-state dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Condensed Matter Theory seminar talk at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, February 9, 2009.

577.   Thermally assisted self-trimming of graphene nanoribbon edges. Contributed talk of Teng Yang, David Tomanek and Savas Berber at the 2009 APS March Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 16, 2009.

578.   Hydrogen storage in ammonia borane: Ab initio study of the de- and rehydrogenation mechanisms. Contributed talk of Kiseok Chang, David Tomanek, Eunja Kim, and Philippe F. Weck at the 2009 APS March Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 19, 2009.

* 579.   Defects in nanotubes: Blessing and curse. Invited talk at the international workshop on "Modeling of Carbon and Inorganic Nanotubes and Nanostructures" (CINN09; in Lausanne, Switzerland, May 13, 2009.

* 580.   Probing local properties of MoxSyIz nanostructures: electronic structure, local vibrations, composition, structural stability. Invited talk at the Third symposium on "Transition metal chalcohalide nanostructures" (TMCN09; in Taormina, Italy, May 23 - 26, 2009.

581.   Nanotechnology with Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and Graphene. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, June 5, 2009.

* 582.  Abusing and Using Carbon Nanotubes. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Carbon Nanotube Nanoelectronics 2009 (CNTNE09) in Matsushima, Japan, June 11, 2009.

583.   Nanotechnology with Buckyballs, Nanotubes, and Graphene. Seminar talk at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, June 15, 2009.

584.   Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, June 17, 2009.

* 585.   Carbon nanomaterials: From theory to applications. Set of lectures at the International Summer School on International Summer School on "Nanoscale carbon systems" ( in Jyväskylä, Finland, August 5 - 13, 2009.

586.   Atomic-Resolution Damping Force Spectroscopy on Nanotube Peapods with Different Tube Diameters. Contribution of M. Ashino, R. Wiesendanger, A. N. Khlobystov, S. Berber, and D. Tománek at the 12th International Conference on Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM2009), Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, August 10-14, 2009.

* 587.  Studying local properties of MoxSyIz nanostructures: From stability to electronic and vibrational structure. Invited talk at the Workshop on "Inorganic Nanotubes: Experiment and theory" (INNT01) in San Sebastián, Spain, September 3, 2009.

* 588.  Self-assembly of nanostructures and the nanopecker as a probe. Invited talk at the Concluding Workshop (Abschlusskolloquium) of the DFG Project SPP 1153 on "Clusters in Contact with Surfaces: Electronic Structure and Magnetism" in Hirschegg, Austria, September 6 - 10, 2009.

589.  Tailoring and probing molecular self-assembly on surfaces. Seminar talk at the Korea-Sweden Collaboration Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, September 22, 2009.

590.  Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, September 24, 2009.

591.  Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece, October 2, 2009.

* 592.   Creating, probing and using defects in carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the International Conference on Carbon Nanostructured Materials (CNANO09) in Santorini, Greece, October 5, 2009.

* 593.   Probing and changing graphene with electric current and light. Invited talk at the CECAM/Psi-k International workshop on "Computational physics and chemistry of graphene" in Lausanne, Switzerland, October 15, 2009.

594.   Utilizing the Chemistry Toolbox in Nanotechnology. Seminar talk at the School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, October 20, 2009.

595.   Photo-induced dynamics in carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Physics and Astronomy Department, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, November 6, 2009.

596.  Carbon and the Nanotechnology Revolution. Colloquium talk at the School of Physics, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, November 18, 2009.

* 597.   Creating, removing and detecting defects in nanocarbons. Invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 30, 2009.

598.   Tuning and harnessing the interaction hierarchy in Nature for nanoscale self-assembly. Seminar talk at the Department of Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, December 3, 2009.


599.   Ab initio studies of photo-induced processes in carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Fritz-Haber Institut of the Max-Planck Society in Berlin, Germany, January 28, 2010.

600.   Creating, probing and removing defects in nanocarbons: An ab initio study. CECAM seminar talk at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, February 13, 2010.

601.   Creating, probing and removing defects in nanocarbons: An ab initio study. Seminar talk at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland, February 26, 2010.

602.   Formation dynamics of graphite intercalation compounds: An ab initio study. Contributed talk of Bo Song, Haiping Fang, and David Tománek at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 15, 2010.

603.   Designing rigid carbon foams. Contributed talk of Sora Park, Jeung-Sun Ahn, Young-Kyun Kwon, Kritsada Kittimanapun, and David Tománek at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 15, 2010.

604.   Structural ordering, electronic and magnetic properties of bundled Mo6S9-xIx nanowires. Contributed talk of Seoung-Hun Kang, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 16, 2010.

605.   SAMs diversity via molecular conformation selection of functionalized C60. Contributed talk of Bogdan Diaconescu, Teng Yang, Mikael Jazdzyk, Glen Miller, David Tománek and Karsten Pohl at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 17, 2010.

606.   Photo-exfoliation of graphene from graphite: An ab initio study. Contributed talk of Hong Zhang, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, and David Tománek at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 18, 2010.

607.   Structural and magnetic properties of Tcn@C60 endohedral metallofullerenes: An ab initio study. Contributed talk of Eunja Kim, Philippe F. Weck, Kenneth R. Czerwinski, and David Tománek at the 2010 APS March Meeting in Portland, OR, March 19, 2010.

* 608.   Designing and forming unusual carbon nanostructures. Plenary invited talk at the Condensed Matter Physics (ENFMC) meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society in Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, May 11, 2010.

* 609.   Control and assembly of nanoscale structures by Directed Self-Assembly. Invited talk at the "College in Computational Nanoscience" at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 19, 2010.

* 610.   Control and assembly of nanoscale structures with Chemistry and Light. Invited talk at the "College in Computational Nanoscience" at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 19, 2010.

611.   Creating, probing and removing defects in nanocarbons: An ab initio study. Seminar talk at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, Italy, June 3, 2010.

612.   Assembling Nanostructures by Light and Chemistry: Insight from Computer Modeling. Summary presentation at the NSF site visit at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), Lowell, MA, June 10, 2010.

* 613.   From Carbon to Boron: Changing and Probing Nanostructures with Light and Sound. Invited talk at the 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR6) in Cesme, Turkey, June 15, 2010.

* 614.   Changing and Probing Carbon Nanostructures with Light and Sound. Invited talk at the Symposium on Computational Materials at the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shenyang, China, July 6, 2010.

* 615.   Self-Assembly of Nanostructures in 2 and 3 Dimensions. Invited talk at the Summer School of Advanced Functional Materials at the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shenyang, China, July 7, 2010.

616.   Creating, using and removing defects in nanocarbons: Insight from calculations. Colloquium talk at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, July 14, 2010.

617.   Creating, using and removing defects in nanocarbons: Insight from calculations. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, July 20, 2010.

618.   Tailoring and probing molecular self-assembly on surfaces. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, July 21, 2010.

619.   Role of self-assembled nanostructures in the future of energy management. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, July 21, 2010.

620.   Ab initio DFT studies of structural and electronic properties of rigid carbon nanofoam. Contributed presentation of Sora Park, Kritsada Kittimanapun, Jeung Sun Ahn, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek at the 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2010) in Seoul, Korea, July 25 - 30, 2010.

621.   Probing and transforming nanostructures with light and sound. Complex materials seminar at the Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 28, 2010.

622.   Creating, probing and removing defects in nanocarbons: Insight from computer simulations. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, November 4, 2010.

623.   Changing and Probing Carbon Nanostructures with Light and Sound. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, November 12, 2010.

624.   Creating, probing and removing defects in nanocarbons: Insight from computer simulations. Colloquium talk at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, November 18, 2010.

* 625.   Probing and transforming nanostructures with light and sound. Invited talk at the workshop entitled "Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials" (TRNM10; in Levi, Finland, December 7, 2010.


626.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes, Graphene: Nanomaterials for the Future. Presentation at the Lansing Community College, February 17, 2011.

627.   Changing Carbon Nanostructures by Irradiation. Contributed talk of David Tománek at the 2011 APS March Meeting in Dallas, TX, March 21, 2011.

628.   Interplay between structural and electronic properties of bundled Mo6S9-xIx nanowires: an ab initio study. Contributed talk of Seoung-Hun Kang, Young-Kyun Kwon and David Tománek at the 2011 APS March Meeting in Dallas, TX, March 22, 2011.

* 629.   Probing and transforming carbon nanostructures with light. Invited talk at the symposium on "Multiscale Modeling, Analysis, and Computation of Nano-Optics", Michigan State University, March 26, 2011.

630.   Changing and Probing Carbon Nanostructures with Light and Sound. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, May 25, 2011.

* 631.   Forming, Probing and Transforming Carbon Nanostructures. Invited talk at the symposium on "The atomic structure of nanosystems from TEM experiments and DFT simulations" (BOAT11) on board of the ferry boat connecting Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden, May 31, 2011.

* 632.   Effect of bundling on the stability, equilibrium geometry and electronic structure of Mo6S9-xIx nanowires. Invited talk at the Fifth symposium on "Transition metal chalcohalide nanostructures" (TMCN11) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, June 7, 2011.

633.   Carbon Nanomaterials for the Future. REU Seminar at the Michigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy, June 20, 2011.

* 634.   Formation and Control of Nanostructures with Light and Sound. Invited talk at the WE-Heraeus Summer School for Physics 2011 on "Computer Simulations on Nanotechnology for the Environment", Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, July 7, 2011.

* 635.   Formation of Nanostructures by Directed Self-Assembly. Invited talk at the WE-Heraeus Summer School for Physics 2011 on "Computer Simulations on Nanotechnology for the Environment", Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, July 9, 2011.

636.   The Rise of Nanotechnology. Frontiers in Science presentation to High School teachers of the Greater Lansing Area, Michigan State University, September 17, 2011.

637.   Ab Initio Study on B-coated Al Surface for Hardness Enhancement and Wear Resistance. Contributed talk of Dae-Gyeon Kwon, Zhen Zhu, David Tománek and Young-Kyun Kwon at the 2011 Fall Meeting of the Korean Physical Society, Busan, Korea, October 20, 2011.

638.   Computational Study on The Thermal Conductivity of Rigidly Interconnected Carbon Nano Foam. Contributed talk of Sora Park, David Tománek and Young-Kyun Kwon at the 2011 Fall Meeting of the Korean Physical Society, Busan, Korea, October 20, 2011.

639.   Core level binding energy shifts in potassium covered carbon nanotubes: An ab initio study. Contribution of Dogan Erbahar, Savas Berber, and David Tomanek at the "NanoTP" Scientific Meeting of the COST Project MP0901 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, November 10, 2011.

* 640.   Beyond Nanotubes: Unusual Phenomena in Unusual Carbon Nanostructures. Invited talk at the International Mini-Workshop on Advanced Nanocarbons, Tokyo, Japan, December 11, 2011.

* 641.   The nanotube and its relatives: Unique properties and untapped potential. Invited talk at the Workshop on the Carbon Nanotube in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of its Discovery (CNT20), Tokyo, Japan, December 13, 2011.


642.   Enhancing mechanical toughness of aluminum surfaces by nanoboron implantation: An ab initio study. Contributed talk of Zhen Zhu, Dae-Gyeon Kwon, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek, at the 2012 APS March Meeting in Boston, MA, February 28, 2012.

643.   Computational Study of the Thermal and Electronic Transport Properties of Rigidly-Interconnected Carbon Nano Foam. Contributed talk of Sora Park, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek, at the 2012 APS March Meeting in Boston, MA, February 29, 2012.

644.   Computational study of the thermal conductivity of defective carbon nanostructures. Contributed talk of Zacharias Fthenakis and David Tománek at the 2012 APS March Meeting in Boston, MA, February 29, 2012.

645.   Ab initio studies of defects in carbon nanofoam structures. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Zhen Zhu, and Arkady Krasheninnikov at the 2012 APS March Meeting in Boston, MA, March 1, 2012.

646.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes, Graphene: Nanomaterials for the Future. VINSE Nano Institute Colloquium at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, March 7, 2012.

647.   Buckyballs, Nanotubes, Graphene: Nanomaterials for the Future. Presentation at the Lansing Community College, March 13, 2012.

* 648.   Formation and control of carbon nanostructures with light and sound. Invited talk at the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in the symposium on "Nanoscale Materials Modification by Photon, Ion and Electron Beams", San Francisco, CA, April 10, 2012.

* 649.   Formation Mechanism and Physical Properties of Designer Nanostructures. Invited talk at the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in the symposium on "Computational Materials Design In Heterogeneous Systems", San Francisco, CA, April 10, 2012.

* 650.   Designing Electrical Contacts to MoS2 Monolayers: A Computational Study. Invited talk at the Sixth symposium on "Transition metal chalcohalide nanostructures" (TMCN12), Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany, July 3, 2012.

651.   Unusual properties of designer carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, July 23, 2012.

652.   Flatland beyond graphene: From MoS2 electronics to surface hardening by nano-boron. Seminar talk at Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, July 23, 2012.

653.   1000 shapes and 1000 uses of designer carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, July 26, 2012.

654.   Unusual properties of designer carbon nanostructures. Colloquium at the Physics Department of Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (USA), September 13, 2012.

655.   1000 shapes and 1000 uses of designer carbon nanostructures. CNMS Discovery Lecture at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 6, 2012.


656.   Can graphene allotropes surpass the high thermal conductivity of graphene? Contributed talk of Zacharias Fthenakis, Zhen Zhu and David Tománek at the 2013 APS March Meeting in Baltimore, MD, March 21, 2013.

657.   Deformations and nanomechanical energy storage in twisted carbon nanotube ropes. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Zacharias Fthenakis, Gotthard Seifert and David Teich at the 2013 APS March Meeting in Baltimore, MD, March 21, 2013.

658.   Can diamond nanowires grow inside carbon nanotubes? Contributed talk of Zhen Zhu, David Tománek and Yanquan Feng at the 2013 APS March Meeting in Baltimore, MD, March 22, 2013.

* 659.   Unusual graphene-diamond interfaces. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Carbon Electronics 2013 at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, May 6, 2013.

* 660.   Carbon nanostructures at the forefront: nanotubes, graphene, and beyond. Invited talk at the prestige workshop of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Seoul, Korea, May 10, 2013.

661.   Graphene on silicon and diamond-electronic structure and quantum transport properties. Contributed talk of Daniele Selli, Ceren Tayran, Zhen Zhu, Matteo Baldoni, David Tománek, and Gotthard Seifert at the 7th International Conference on the Fundamental Science of Graphene and Applications of Graphene-Based Devices (Graphene Week 2013) in Chemnitz, Germany, June 2 - 7, 2013.

* 662.   Interfacing 2D graphene and haeckelites with the 3D world. Invited talk at the CECAM workshop on "Novel 2D materials: tuning electronic properties on the atomic scale", Bremen, Germany, June 14, 2013.

663.   Electronic and transport properties of 2d graphene-haeckelite hybrid structures. Contributed presentation of Zhen Zhu, Zacharias G. Fthenakis and David Tománek at the CECAM workshop on "Novel 2D materials: tuning electronic properties on the atomic scale", Bremen, Germany, June 11-14, 2013.

664.   Electronic and transport properties of 2d graphene-haeckelite hybrid structures. Contributed presentation of Zhen Zhu, Zacharias G. Fthenakis and David Tománek at the international symposium on "Flatlands beyond Graphene" at the Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, June 18, 2013.

* 665.   Happy marriage of 2D nanostructures with the 3D world. Invited talk at the international symposium on "Flatlands beyond Graphene" at the Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, June 19, 2013.

666.   Can diamond nanowires form inside carbon nanotubes? Contribution of Zhen Zhu, David Tománek, and Yanquan Feng at the NT13: Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Espoo, Finland, June 24, 2013.

667.   Ropes of carbon nanotubes: from natural coiling to nanomechanical energy storage. Contribution of David Tománek, David Teich, Zacharias G. Fthenakis, Gotthard Seifert, and Sumio Iijima at the NT13: Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Espoo, Finland, June 27, 2013.

668.   Formation and stability of cellular carbon foam structures: An ab initio study. Contribution of David Tománek and Zhen Zhu at the CCTN13: Eighths International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in Tallinn, Estonia, June 29, 2013.

669.   Formation of diamond nanowires inside carbon nanotubes: An ab initio study. Contribution of Zhen Zhu, David Tománek, and Yanquan Feng at the CCTN13: Eighths International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in Tallinn, Estonia, June 29, 2013.

* 670.   Nanomechanical energy storage and structural transformations in twisted carbon nanotube ropes. Invited talk at the 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013) at Suntec Singapore, Singapore, July 5, 2013.

671.   Morphology and quantum transport in defective graphene and at graphene/solid interfaces. Seminar talk at the Institute for High-Performance Computing in Singapore, July 9, 2013.

672.   Graphene and beyond: Unusual properties of carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the National University of Singapore, July 10, 2013.

673.   Can nanomechanical energy storage in twisting nanotube ropes surpass that of Li-ion batteries? Contributed talk of Z. G. Fthenakis, D. Teich, Z. Zhu, G. Seifert and D. Tománek at the XXIX Panhellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science in Athens, Greece, September 25, 2013.

674.   Beyond graphene: Unusual behavior of carbon nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of Washington University in St. Louis, MO, October 21, 2013.

* 675.   Beyond graphene: Unusual behavior of carbon nanostructures. Invited talk at the ECI conference on "Carbon Based Nano-Materials and Devices" at the Promised Land Resort & Lagoon in Hualien, Taiwan, November 5, 2013.

676.   Beyond graphene. Seminar talk at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 20, 2013.

* 677.   The promise of carbon: from nanotubes to graphene and diamond. Keynote presentation at the First South-African Conference on "Nano Carbon", University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 21, 2013.


* 678.   Unusual conduction at semiconductor surfaces and in non-planar few-layer quasi-2D systems. Invited talk at the CECAM workshop on "Two-dimensional inorganic materials (2DIM): property simulations from band structure to devices" at the CECAM headquarters, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, January 22, 2014.

679.   Improved carrier mobility in few-layer MoS2 field-effect transistors with ionic-liquid gating. Contributed talk D51.00009 of Meeghage Perera, Ming-Wei Lin, Hsun-Jen Chuang, Bhim Chamlagain, Chongyu Wang, Xuebin Tan, Mark Cheng, David Tománek and Zhixian Zhou at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO, March 3, 2014.

680.   Thermal and electrical conductivity of defective graphene: From grain boundaries to haeckelite. Contributed talk L37.00015 of Zhen Zhu, Zacharias G. Fthenakis, and David Tománek at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO, March 5, 2014.

681.   Phosphorene: a new high-mobility 2D semiconductor. Contributed talk Y51.00002 of Han Liu, Adam Neal, Zhen Zhu, David Tománek and Peide Ye at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO, March 7, 2014.

682.   Local curvature and relative stability of graphitic carbon nanostructures. Contributed talk Z37.00004 of Jie Guan, Zhongqi Jin, and David Tománek at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO, March 7, 2014.

683.   Unusual conduction mechanism at graphitic carbon foam surfaces: An ab initio study. Contributed talk Z37.00009 of David Tománek, Zhen Zhu, Zacharias G. Fthenakis and Jie Guan at the 2014 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO, March 7, 2014.

684.   High Performance P-Type Black Phosphorus Transistors and CMOS Logic on Semiconducting 2D Crystals. Contributed talk NN4.02 of Han Liu, Adam T. Neal, Zhen Zhu, David Tománek and Peide D. Ye at the 2014 Spring MRS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 23, 2014.

685.   Spontaneous origami in multi-phase 2D phosphorus. Contribution of Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the CCTN14: Ninth International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 1, 2014.

686.   Polygonal nanotubes of multi-phase layered phosphorus. Contribution of Jie Guan, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the CCTN14: Ninth International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 1, 2014.

687.   The influence of the curvature of surface and π electrons on adsorption of nanocarbons. Contribution of Takumi Araki, Syogo Tejima, Shatoshi Nakamura, Hisashi Nakamura, David Tománek, and Morinobu Endo at the CCTN14: Ninth International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 1, 2014.

* 688.   Report on progress in the theoretical description of nanotubes and related systems at NT14. Invited presentation of David Tománek at the NT14: Fifteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 2-6, 2014.

689.   Spontaneous origami in multi-phase 2D phosphorus. Contribution of Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the NT14: Fifteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 2-6, 2014.

690.   Polygonal nanotubes of multi-phase layered phosphorus. Contribution of Jie Guan, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the NT14: Fifteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 2-6, 2014.

691.   The influence of the curvature of surface and π electrons on adsorption of nanocarbons. Contribution of Takumi Araki, Syogo Tejima, Shatoshi Nakamura, Hisashi Nakamura, David Tománek, and Morinobu Endo at the NT14: Fifteenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes in Los Angeles, USA, June 2-6, 2014.

* 692.   Phosphorene: few-layer semiconductor with unusual optical properties. Invited presentation of David Tománek at the ESP14: Conference on Excited State Processes in Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 11, 2014.

693.   Beyond graphene. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Hong Kong, China, July 18, 2014.

694.   Spontaneous origami in multi-phase 2D phosphorus. Contribution of Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the IPS14: Informal Phosphorene Symposium in East Lansing, USA, August 4-6, 2014.

695.   Polygonal nanotubes of multi-phase layered phosphorus. Contribution of Jie Guan, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the IPS14: Informal Phosphorene Symposium in East Lansing, USA, August 4-6, 2014.

696.   Local curvature and stability of two-dimensional systems. Contribution of Bih-Yaw Jin, Jie Guan, Zhongqi Jin, Zhen Zhu, Chern Chuang, and David Tománek at the IPS14: Informal Phosphorene Symposium in East Lansing, USA, August 4-6, 2014.

697.   Optimizing Electronic Structure and Quantum Transport at the Graphene-Si(111) Interface: An Ab-Initio Density-Functional Study. Contribution of Ceren Tayran, Zhen Zhu, Matteo Baldoni, Daniele Selli, Gotthard Seifert and David Tománek at the ECOSS-30 conference in Antalya, Turkey, September 4, 2014.

698.   Beyond graphene: Unusual properties of carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Distinguished Visitor colloquium of David Tománek at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, September 8, 2014.

699.   Understanding the conduction mechanism of carbon foam surfaces. Contributed talk of Z. G. Fthenakis, Z. Zhu, J. Guan and D. Tománek at the 30th Panhellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science in Heraklion, Crete, September 22, 2014.

700.   Graphene on silicon and diamond-electronic structure and quantum transport properties. Presentation of Daniele Selli, Ceren Tayran, Zhen Zhu, Matteo Baldoni, Igor Baburin, Stefano Leoni, David Tománek, Gotthard Seifert at the CECAM workshop on High performance models for charge transport in large scale materials systems in Bremen, Germany, October 6-10, 2014.

700.   Teaching graphene new tricks. CMCM Colloquium presentation at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in Ulsan, Korea, October 28, 2014.

701.   Beyond graphene: Unusual properties of carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Colloquium presentation at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in Ulsan, Korea, October 29, 2014.


* 703.   From graphene to phosphorene and arsenene. Invited talk at the Second South-African Workshop on "Nano Carbon", University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 15-16, 2015.

704.   Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Colloquium presentation at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, AR, February 13, 2015.

705.   Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Bulk and Few- or Single-Layer Black Phosphorus. Contributed talk A2.7 of Luke Shulenburger, Andrew Baczewski, Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 2, 2015.

706.   High stability of faceted nanotubes and fullerenes of multi-phase layered phosphorus: A computational study. Contributed talk A17.13 of Jie Guan, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 2, 2015.

707.   Tiling Phosphorene. Contributed talk F1.6 of Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 3, 2015.

708.   Few-Layer Phosphorene and Arsenene Allotropes: A Computational Study. Contributed talk F1.7 of David Tománek, Zhen Zhu and Jie Guan at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 3, 2015.

709.   Simulated scanning tunneling microscopy of few-layer phosphorus allotropes through hexagonal boron nitride. Contributed talk S1.6 of Pablo Rivero, Cedric Horvath, Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, David Tománek, and Salvador Barraza-Lopez at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 5, 2015.

710.   Progress in 2D electronic materials beyond graphene. Acceptance lecture, Lee Hsun Research Award for Materials Science, IMR Shenyang, P. R. China, May 15, 2015.

711.   Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Colloquium presentation at the Xi'An Jiaotong University in Xi'An, P. R. China, May 21, 2015.

712.   Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Physics seminar at the University of Shanghai in Shanghai, P. R. China, June 16, 2015.

713.   Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Physics seminar at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, P. R. China, June 19, 2015.

* 714.   From graphene and carbon nanotubes to phosphorene and phosphorus nanotubes. Invited talk at the 2015 ICST Symposium on "Frontiers of Carbon Science", Shinshu University, in Nagano City, Japan, June 26, 2015.

* 715.   When nanotube dreams come true. Keynote presentation at the "16th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes" (NT15), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, July 3, 2015.

* 716.   From phosphorene to arsenene: 2D electronics marches on. Invited lectures at the 2015 Windsor Summer School in Royal Great Park, Windsor, U.K., July 30, 2015.

717.   2D semiconductors beyond phosphorene. Oral presentation at the 2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 10, 2015.

718.   Interpreting core-level spectra of oxidizing phosphorene: Theory and Experiment. Contributed talk of Jie Guan, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang, Kaci L Kuntz, Scott C. Warren, and David Tomanek at the 2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 14, 2015.

719.   Understanding the Effect of Oxygen and Water on 2D Black Phosphorus Oxidation from Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Contributed talk of Kaci L Kuntz, Rebekah A Wells, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang, Zhidong Zhang, Jie Guan, David Tomanek, and Scott C. Warren at the 2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 14, 2015.

* 720.   Unexpected electronic properties of 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Invited talk at the Workshop on the "Science and technology of 2D materials" at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, August 21, 2015.

721.   Phosphorene modeling and simulation. Co-principal investigator presentation at the NSF/AFOSR EFRI 2DARE Phosphorene Program Kick-off Meeting at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, November 10, 2015.

722.   2D Black Phosphorus Oxidation Intermediates: Understanding and Interpreting Experimental XPS & UPS Spectra. Contributed talk EE3.48 of Kaci L Kuntz, Rebekah A Wells, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang, Zhidong Zhang, Jie Guan, David Tomanek, and Scott C. Warren at the 2015 Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, MA, November 30, 2015.

723.   Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures. Colloquium presentation at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, December 2, 2015.

* 724.   Unexpected electronic properties of layered semiconductors beyond graphene. Invited talk at the 9th Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics (WOFE-2015) and the workshop on Multifunctional Nanomaterials in San-Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, December 16, 2015.


* 725.   Opening the periodic table to 2D electronics. Invited talk at the Third South-African Conference on "Nano Carbon", University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 14-15, 2016.

726.   Intriguing science of carbon and group V two-dimensional nanostructures. Seminar talk at the Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas, TX, March 7, 2016.

727.   Quantum nature of contacts, interfaces and defects limiting transport in low-dimensional nanostructures. Seminar talk at Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, TX, March 8, 2016.

728.   High-Performance WSe2, MoS2, and MoSe2 Transistors Enabled by a New Contact Strategy. Contributed talk C26.8 of Hsun Jen Chuang, Bhim Chamlagain, Michael Koehler, Meeghage Madusanka Perera, Jiaqiang Yan, David Mandrus, David Tománek and Zhixian Zhou at the 2016 APS March Meeting in Baltimore, MD, March 14, 2016.

729.   Two-dimensional phosphorus carbide: Competition between sp2 and sp3 bonding. Contribution of Jie Guan, Dan Liu, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the Gordon Research Conference on "Two Dimensional Electronics Beyond Graphene", South Hadley, MA, June 7, 2016.

730.   Continuum approach for soft acoustic vibrations in flexible monolayers. Contribution of Dan Liu, Arthur G. Every, and David Tománek at the Gordon Research Conference on "Two Dimensional Electronics Beyond Graphene", South Hadley, MA, June 7, 2016.

* 731.   Unusual 2D Semiconductors and their Unexpected Properties. Invited talk of David Tománek at the ESP16: Conference on Excited State Processes in Electronic and Bio Nanomaterials in Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 16, 2016.

732.   Nano-prisons for atoms: Using carbon nanostructures for sequestration, storage, and selective materials synthesis. Seminar at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 17, 2016.

* 733.   My life with the nanotube. Invited opening historic lecture at the Seventeenth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials (NT16), Vienna, Austria, August 7, 2016.

734.   Nano-prisons for atoms: Using carbon nanostructures for sequestration, storage, and selective materials synthesis. Seminar at the School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 26, 2016.

735.   Two-dimensional electronics beyond graphene: A Theory perspective. Seminar at the School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 27, 2016.

736.   State-of-the-Art in Computer Modeling of Materials: A Review. Lecture at the School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 28, 2016.

737.   Introduction to 2D Materials: Beyond Graphene and MoWSeS. Lecture at the School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 31, 2016.

738.   More on 2D Materials: Interfaces, Contacts, Defects. Lecture at the School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 31, 2016.

* 739.   The Enlightened Path of Nanotechnology: From 0D to 1D and 2D Nanostructures. Invited talk of David Tománek at the International Symposium on Carbon Nanotube in Commemoration of its Quarter-Century Anniversary (CNT25), Tokyo, Japan, November 16, 2016.

740.   Unexpected behavior of 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Seminar talk at Florida State University and the National High Magnetic Field Lab, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, December 2, 2016.


741.   Unusually stable helical coil allotrope of phosphorus. Contributed talk of David Tomanek, Dan Liu, Jie Guan and Jingwei Jiang at the 2017 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 13, 2017.

742.   Electronic structure and charge injection across transition metal dichalcogenide heterojunctions: theory and experiment. Contributed talk of Zhixian Zhou, Hsun-Jen Chuang, Jie Guan and David Tomanek at the 2017 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 13, 2017.

743.   Long-wavelength vibrational modes in quasi-2D and tubular quasi-1D structures. Contributed talk of Dan Liu, David Tomanek, and Arthur G. Every at the 2017 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 16, 2017.

744.   New insight into the Mott-insulating state in 1T-TaS2. Contributed talk of Liguo Ma, Cun Ye, Yijun Yu, Xiu Fang Lu, Xiaohai Niu, Sejoong Kim, Donglai Feng, David Tomanek, Young-Woo Son, Xianhui Chen and Yuanbo Zhang at the 2017 APS March Meeting in New Orleans, LO, March 16, 2017.

745.   Chemical and electronic repair of defective MoS2 monolayers through thiols. Contributed talk of Anja Förster, Sibylle Gemming, Gotthard Seifert, and David Tománek at the 2017 DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Dresden, Germany, March 19-24, 2017.

746.   2D electronics: From graphene to transition metal dichalcogenides to layered and tubular group V allotropes. Seminar talk at the National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., June 5, 2017.

* 747.   From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Invited talk of David Tománek at the International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology 2017 at the Low Wood Hotel, Windermere, United Kingdom, June 6, 2017.

748.   2D electronics: From graphene to transition metal dichalcogenides to layered and tubular group V allotropes. Physics seminar talk at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), Shanghai, China, June 19, 2017.

749.   2D and 1D Semiconductors Beyond Graphene and their Unexpected Properties. Physics Seminar talk at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, June 20, 2017.

750.   Nano-prisons for atoms: Using carbon nanostructures for sequestration, storage, and selective materials synthesis. Seminar talk at the Materials Genome Institute (MGI), Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, June 21, 2017.

751.   Nanoelectronics: From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, June 23, 2017.

752.   Nanoelectronics: From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Colloquium talk within the ICQD Distinguished Lecture Series in Quantum Information at the Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, June 27, 2017.

753.   Nanoelectronics: From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, July 5, 2017.

* 754.   Unusual 2D Semiconductors Beyond Graphene: An Insight from Theory. Keynote lecture of David Tománek at the Symposium on "Materials Simulation, Calculation and Design", 2017 Chinese Materials Conference, Yinchuan, China, July 9, 2017.

755.   Nanoelectronics: From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China, July 17, 2017.

756.   From Nano-Prisons to Nano-Reactors: Using Carbon Nanostructures for Sequestration and Selective Materials Synthesis. Colloquium talk at the Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China, July 18, 2017.

757.   Nanoelectronics: From carbon nanostructures to 2D semiconductors beyond graphene. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, July 20, 2017.

* 758.   Low-dimensional semiconductors beyond graphene: An insight from theory. Invited talk of David Tománek at the Telluride Workshop on "Computational Materials Chemistry", Telluride, Colorado, August 7, 2017.

* 759.   Unusual 2D semiconductors beyond graphene: An insight from theory. Invited talk of David Tománek in the Symposium on "Inorganic Analogues to Graphene" at the XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017 in Cancún, Mexico, August 24, 2017.

760.   Repair and Functionalization of MoS2 Monolayers with Thiols. Contribution of Anja Förster, Sibylle Gemming, David Tománek, and Gotthard Seifert at the First European Conference on Chemistry of Two-Dimensional Materials (Chem2Dmat) in Strasbourg, France, August 22-26, 2017.

* 761.   Dealing with low-dimensional semiconductors: Contacts, defects, transformations. Invited talk of David Tománek at the 2017 International Symposium on Advances in Physical Science, San Jose, California, October 20-21, 2017.

* 762.   Layered solids: from lubricants to 2D electronic materials. Invited talk of David Tománek at the international workshop on nanofriction and tribology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), November 9, 2017.

* 763.   Whatever you Wanted to Know about Phosphorus and its Relatives. Invited talk of David Tománek at the Quantum Energy Workshop VII, Haikou, Hainan, China, November 14, 2017.

764.   The Incredible Journey of Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk of David Tománek at the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Ueda, Japan, November 20, 2017.

765.   The Incredible Journey of Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk of David Tománek at the Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan, November 22, 2017.

766.   The Incredible Journey of Carbon Nanotubes. Seminar talk of David Tománek at the Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 24, 2017.


* 767.   Unusual behavior of low-dimensional systems beyond graphene: An insight from theory. Invited talk at the symposium on "Hybrid Photonic-Plasmonic Materials: Toward Ultimate Control Over the Generation and Fate of Photons." Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, March 1-2, 2018.

768.   Two-dimensional Phosphorus Carbide: Competition between sp2 and sp3 bonding. Contributed talk of Jie Guan, Dan Liu, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek at the 2018 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, California, March 5, 2018.

769.   Towards room-temperature superconductivity in low-dimensional carbon nanostructures. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Dan Liu, Savas Berber, and Dogan Erbahar at the 2018 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, California, March 6, 2018.

770.   Microscopic mechanism of the helix-to-layer transformation in elemental selenium. Contributed talk of Dan Liu and David Tománek at the 2018 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, California, March 7, 2018.

* 771.   Low-Dimensional Semiconductors beyond Graphene: An Insight from Theory. Invited talk of David Tománek at the 2018 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, California, March 8, 2018.

* 772.   Introduction to and discussion leader of the session on Modeling grand challenges, Gordon Research Conference on "2D Electronics beyond Graphene" at Stonehill College, North Easton, MA, USA, June 5, 2018.

773.   Single Quantum Emitters for Encrypted Satellite Communication: Which Defects in WSe2 Can Do It? Poster presentation of Shuyue Xue, Andrii Kyrylchuk, Dan Liu, and David Tománek at the 2018 workshop on Quantum Information Science: Are we at the crossroads?, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, September 30 - October 3, 2018.

774.   From Carbon Nanotubes to Phosphorus Snakes. Seminar talk at the National Institute of Technology, Nagano College, Nagano, Japan, November 22, 2018.

775.   Origami and kirigami on the nanometer-scale. Seminar talk at the College of Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, November 26, 2018.

776.   Origami and kirigami on the nanometer-scale. Seminar talk at the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Ueda, Japan, November 28, 2018.


777.   From Folded Elephants to Mechanical Metamaterials on the Nanoscale. Physics Club presentation at The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 12, 2019.

778.   From Carbon Nanotubes to Phosphorus Snakes. Departmental Seminar at The University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 14, 2019.

779.   The Art of Scientific Communication. An Interactive 2-hour Course at The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 19, 2019.

780.   Two-dimensional mechanical metamaterials with unusual Poisson ratio behavior. Contributed talk of David Tománek, Dan Liu and Zhibin Gao at the 2019 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, March 5, 2019.

781.   Effect of net charge on the relative stability of different 2D boron allotropes. Contributed talk of Dan Liu and David Tománek at the 2019 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, March 8, 2019.

* 782.   Magic with Stacked 2D Semiconductors. Invited talk of David Tománek at the "9th Guadalupe Workshop on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials" in Fredericksburg, Texas, April 18, 2019.

* 783.   Using Hidden Degrees of Freedom in 2D materials. Invited talk of David Tománek at the Telluride Workshop on "Frontiers in Theory and Simulations of Two-dimensional Materials" in Telluride, Colorado, June 16-20, 2019.

* 784.   Magic with Semiconducting 2D Nanolayers. Invited talk of David Tománek at the 10th congress of the International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-X), in the scientific track entitled "Large-scale electronic structure models of materials", in Tromsø, Norway, July 11-17, 2019.

* 785.   Magic with 2D Semiconductors. Opening keynote lecture of David Tománek at the International School on Two-Dimensional Crystals and Photonics (2DCP-2019) at Tbilisi State University in Tbilisi, Georgia, September 9, 2019.

786.   Magic with Graphene and Phosphorene. Seminar talk at the Department of Electrical Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, October 4, 2019.

787.   Magic with Borophene, Graphene and Phosphorene. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, University of Nevada - Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, November 1, 2019.


788.   The White Magic of 2D Nanostructures. BLABS seminar talk at the Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM, March 4, 2020.

* 789.   Magic of Carbon on the Nanoscale. Invited talk at the virtual Tnano20 workshop in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, October 5, 2020.

* 790.   From Graduation to Retirement: David Tománek – a Human and a Scientist. Closing presentation at the virtual Tnano20 workshop in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, October 8, 2020.


791.   Magic with Semiconducting 2D Nanolayers. Virtual Colloquium at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, New York, January 7, 2021.

792.   Magic with 2D Semiconductors. Virtual Colloquium presentation at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, January 14, 2021.

793.   The White Magic of 2D Nanostructures. Virtual Colloquium presentation at the Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, February 3, 2021.

794.   Design and computational study of an all-carbon water desalination membrane. Invited presentation of A. Kyrylchuk and D. Tománek at the Ukrainian conference on "Chemistry, Physics a Technology of Surface" and Workshop on "Nanostructures and Nanomaterials in Medicine: Challenges, Tasks and Perspectives", Kyiv, Ukraine, May 26, 2021.

795.   Magic behavior of low-dimensional nanostructures. Virtual seminar presentation at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 26, 2021.

* 796.   Water! Water! Video Invited talk at the virtual 15th International Conference on Advanced Carbon NanoStructures (ACNS'2021) in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 29, 2021.

797.   Saving Humankind from Thirst. Colloquium at the Physics Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, September 30, 2021.

* 798.   Progress in water desalination: Insight from ab initio studies. Invited talk of David Tománek and Andrii Kyrylchuk at the 6th International Virtual Conference "Nanotechnology" (GTUnano21) in Tbilisi, Georgia, October 4, 2021.

799.   Paradigm shift in water desalination membranes? Seminar talk at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, October 5, 2021.

800.   Saving Humankind from Thirst: Insight from Ab Initio Studies. Seminar talk at the Department of Physics, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, October 8, 2021.

801.   Je věda od Boha nebo od ďábla? aneb Jak zachránit babičce život? Public presentation in Czech for the Czecho-Slovak community Velehrad in Brookfield, IL, December 26, 2021.


802.   No water, no life: Can nano-carbon help? Bez vody není život: pomůže nám nano-uhlík? (Either in English nebo česky, depending on the audience.) Presentation at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, February 17, 2022.

803.   Exil: Důvody, sny a důsledky, o kterých se nemluví. Presentation at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, February 22, 2022.

804.   Proč jsem opustil dívku a dal se na fyziku. (Read THIS first.) Presentation and discussion with students in the discussion series "Even I was a PhD student once" at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, February 23, 2022.

805.   Je věda od Boha nebo od ďábla? aneb Jak zachránit babičce život? Presentation at the Centrum Aletti, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, February 23, 2022, 20:15.

806.   Je věda od Boha nebo od ďábla? aneb Jak zachránit babičce život? Video Seminar presentation at the Biskupské gymnázium in Brno, Czech Republic, March 1, 2022.

807.   Can nanocarbons save humankind from thirst? Physics colloquium presentation at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, March 2, 2022.

808.   White magic with 2D nanostructures. Bílá magie s 2D nanostrukturami. (Either in English nebo česky, depending on the audience.) Seminar presentation at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, March 3, 2022.

809.   Pokrok v nanotechnologii aneb Jak zachránit babičce život? Public presentation at the Mendelianum Centre, Moravian Museum in Brno, Czech Republic, March 3, 2022.

810.   Je věda od Boha nebo od ďábla? aneb Jak zachránit babičce život? Public presentation at the Stojanovo gymnázium in Velehrad, Czech Republic, March 7, 2022.

811.   Mozaika dojmů z cesty Praha-Olomouc-Brno-Velehrad v únoru a březnu 2022. Public presentation in Czech for the Czecho-Slovak community Velehrad in Brookfield, IL, April 10, 2022.

* 812.   Progress in water desalination using all-carbon membranes. Keynote lecture at the Third International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering (Materials-2022) in Boston, MA, April 19, 2022.

* 813.   Potable water for everyone: Can carbon nanostructures help? Materials Square webinar presentation on May 24, 2022.

* 814.   Introduction to and discussion leader of the session on Emerging Phenomena, Gordon Research Conference on "2D Electronics beyond Graphene" at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH, USA, June 16, 2022.

* 815.   Low-dimensional nanostructures: design, behavior, and surprises. Keynote lecture at the 8th Nano World Conference Boston (NWC8), in Boston, MA, USA, November 1, 2022.

816.   Kouzlo Gruzie. Public presentation in Czech for the Czecho-Slovak community Velehrad in Brookfield, IL, November 26, 2022.

817.   Gruzie: poslední zem z pohádky. Public presentation at the Stojan High School in Velehrad, Czech Republic, December 20, 2022.


818.   Magic in two dimensions/Magie ve dvou dimenzích. Presentation at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, January 9, 2023.

819   'Progress in Nanotechnology' alias 'How to Save Granny’s Life? / 'Pokrok v nanotechnologii' aneb 'Jak zachránit babičce život?'. Presentation at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, January 10, 2023.

* 820.   Nanotechnology: From dream to reality. Invited presentation at the Symposium on nanoscale sciences: Current and future perspectives, Tokyo Tech Front, Tokyo, Japan, March 18, 2023.

821.   When nanocarbon dreams come true. Colloquium at the Technical University Dresden, Germany, April 27, 2023.

822.   Gruzie: poslední zem z pohádky. Public presentation in Frýdek-Místek, Czech Republic, April 30, 2023.

823.   Nanotechnology: The long way from its roots to here; Nanotechnologie: Dlouhá cesta od počátků sem. Presentation at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 4, 2023.

824.   When nanocarbon dreams come true. Presentation at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 29, 2023.

825.   Nanotechnology, Medicine and Energy: How Can we Save your Grandmother?. Physics colloquium presentation at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil, November 23, 2023.


826.   Nanotechnology, Medicine and Energy: How Can we Save your Grandmother? Public lecture at the North Carolina Central University (NCCU) at Durham, NC, April 5, 2024.

827.   Carbon nanostructures for water desalination and energy storage. Condensed Matter Physics seminar in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, on June 18, 2024.

828.   Espaços lotados por átomos e moléculas / Spaces crowded by atoms and molecules. Presentation with much hands-on experience in the Casa da Criança Pe. Livio Donati, Ortigueira, PR, Brazil, 14 November 2024.
