(Numbers refer to the
List of Presentations;
invited talks at conferences are marked by
Travel year:
December 6, 2022 - January 13, 2023: Prague, Czech Republic.
Magic in two dimensions/Magie ve dvou dimenzích.
Presentation at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of
Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, January 9, 2023.
'Progress in Nanotechnology' alias 'How to Save Granny’s Life? /
'Pokrok v nanotechnologii' aneb 'Jak zachránit babičce
Presentation at the Institute of Physiology of the
Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic,
January 10, 2023.
January 20 - February 19, 2023: Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.
Nanotechnology: From dream to reality.
Invited presentation at the Symposium on nanoscale sciences:
Current and future perspectives, Tokyo Tech Front, Tokyo,
Japan, March 18, 2023.
March 31 - April 10, 2023: Czech Catholic Mission, Brookfield, IL.
April 23 - May 11, 2023: Dresden, Germany;
Olomouc, Frýdek-Místek, Czech Republic;
When nanocarbon dreams come true.
Colloquium at the Technical University Dresden, Germany,
April 27, 2023.
Gruzie: poslední zem z pohádky.
Public presentation in Frýdek-Místek,
Czech Republic, April 30, 2023.
Nanotechnology: The long way from its roots to here;
Nanotechnologie: Dlouhá cesta od počátků sem.
Presentation at the Palacký University in Olomouc,
Czech Republic, May 4, 2023.

June 28, 2023: Johannesburg, South Africa
When nanocarbon dreams come true.
Presentation at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg,
South Africa, June 29, 2023.