(Numbers refer to the
List of Presentations;
invited talks at conferences are marked by
Travel year:
January 13-18, 2015: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
From graphene to phosphorene and arsenene. Invited talk at the
Second South-African Workshop on "Nano Carbon",
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 15-16, 2015.
January 23-25, 2015: Los Angeles, California
Gordon Research Organizer training session
Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures.
Colloquium presentation at the University of Arkansas
in Fayetteville, AR, February 13, 2015.
February 28 - March 7, 2015: San Antonio, Texas
"2015 APS March Meeting"
Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Bulk and Few- or Single-Layer
Black Phosphorus.
Contributed talk A2.7 of Luke Shulenburger, Andrew Baczewski,
Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and David Tománek at the
2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 2, 2015.
High stability of faceted nanotubes and fullerenes of multi-phase
layered phosphorus: A computational study.
Contributed talk A17.13 of Jie Guan, Zhen Zhu, and
David Tománek at the
2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 2, 2015.
Tiling Phosphorene.
Contributed talk F1.6 of Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, and
David Tománek at the
2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 3, 2015.
Few-Layer Phosphorene and Arsenene Allotropes: A Computational Study.
Contributed talk F1.7 of David Tománek, Zhen Zhu and Jie Guan
at the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 3, 2015.
Simulated scanning tunneling microscopy of few-layer phosphorus
allotropes through hexagonal boron nitride.
Contributed talk S1.6 of Pablo Rivero, Cedric Horvath, Zhen Zhu,
Jie Guan, David Tománek, and Salvador Barraza-Lopez at the
2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 5, 2015.
May 9-30, 2015: IMR Shenyang, P. R. China
Progress in 2D electronic materials beyond graphene.
Acceptance lecture, Lee Hsun Research Award for Materials Science,
IMR Shenyang, P. R. China, May 15, 2015.
Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures.
Colloquium presentation at the Xi'An Jiaotong University in Xi'An,
P. R. China, May 21, 2015.
June 7-21, 2015: Visiting Professor, Fudan University,
Shanghai, P. R. China
Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures.
Physics seminar at the University of Shanghai in Shanghai, P. R. China,
June 16, 2015.
Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures.
Physics seminar at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, P. R. China, June 19, 2015.
June 25-27, 2015: Nagano City, Japan
From graphene and carbon nanotubes to phosphorene
and phosphorus nanotubes.
Invited talk at the 2015 ICST Symposium on
"Frontiers of Carbon Science",
Shinshu University, in Nagano City, Japan, June 26, 2015.
June 24-July 8, 2015: Nagoya, Japan
June 28, 2015: Nagoya, Japan
CCTN15: "Tenth International Symposium on
Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes"
When nanotube dreams come true.
Keynote presentation at the
"16th International Conference on the Science and
Application of Nanotubes" (NT15),
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, July 3, 2015.
July 27 - August 1, 2015: Royal Great Park, Windsor, U.K.
2015 Windsor Summer School
From phosphorene to arsenene: 2D electronics marches on.
Invited lectures at the
2015 Windsor Summer School in Royal Great Park, Windsor, U.K.,
July 30, 2015.
August 10-14, 2015: Michigan State University
2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15)
2D semiconductors beyond phosphorene.
Oral presentation at the
2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15),
East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 10, 2015.
Interpreting core-level spectra of oxidizing phosphorene:
Theory and Experiment.
Contributed talk of
Jie Guan, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang, Kaci L Kuntz,
Scott C. Warren, and David Tomanek at the
2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15),
East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 14, 2015.
Understanding the Effect of Oxygen and Water on
2D Black Phosphorus Oxidation from Photoelectron Spectroscopy.
Contributed talk of
Kaci L Kuntz, Rebekah A Wells, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang,
Zhidong Zhang, Jie Guan, David Tomanek, and Scott C. Warren at the
2015 International Phosphorene Symposium (IPS15),
East Lansing, Michigan, USA, August 14, 2015.
August 20-23, 2015: University of Central Florida, Orlando
Workshop on the "Science and technology
of 2D materials"
Unexpected electronic properties of 2D semiconductors
beyond graphene.
Invited talk at the
Workshop on the "Science and technology
of 2D materials"
at the University of Central Florida,
Orlando, Florida, August 21, 2015.
November 9-11, 2015: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH
Phosphorene modeling and simulation.
Co-principal investigator presentation at the
NSF/AFOSR EFRI 2DARE Phosphorene Program Kick-off Meeting
at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, November 10, 2015.
2D Black Phosphorus Oxidation Intermediates: Understanding and
Interpreting Experimental XPS & UPS Spectra.
Contributed talk EE3.48 of
Kaci L Kuntz, Rebekah A Wells, Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang,
Zhidong Zhang, Jie Guan, David Tomanek, and Scott C. Warren at the
2015 Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, MA, November 30, 2015.
December 1-3, 2015: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Games that scientists play with carbon and phosphorus nanostructures.
Colloquium presentation at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln,
December 2, 2015.
December 16, 2015: San-Juan, Puerto Rico
Unexpected electronic properties of layered semiconductors beyond graphene.
Invited talk at the 9th Workshop on
Frontiers in Electronics (WOFE-2015)
and the workshop on
Multifunctional Nanomaterials in San-Juan, Puerto Rico, USA,
December 15-18, 2015.