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International Workshop on Nanotechnology

Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
October 5-8, 2020
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History of the Tnano20 Workshop

Message from the organizer (July 5, 2020)

Dear Colleagues, I was sad to learn on July 3 that the GTUnano20 conference, to take place in Tbilisi from October 5-8, 2020, has been canceled. I helped the organizers to attract world-class speakers to a unique venue, Tbilisi, which I learned to love. Since the local organizers are less familiar with the internet and conference organization, I set up the web site, advertised the event internationally, formulated much of the web information, formulated and sent invitation letters, formatted and posted abstracts. As far as I know, at least 117 scientists have expressed interest in the GTUnano20 conference to date.

There are good reasons why international conferences will likely re-open starting September 2020. Will Georgia/Tbilisi continue its good trend of low levels in COVID19 infections to make a scientific event in October 2020 rather safe? I believe so. GTUnano20 organizers believe they need a long time to organize a conference and prefer not to do it in an uncertain time. I disagree: The essence of a scientific conference is a meeting of scientists with the possibility of discussions. This requires nothing but a conference room and a beamer. A University Dean's opening speech is not needed.

Some Scientists, whom I invited personally, favor to meet in Tbilisi from October 5-8, 2020. If there are enough to justify a real workshop in a real location on the globe, then Tnano20: International Workshop on Nanotechnology would take place. If not, some of us may still enjoy the uniqueness of Tbilisi and Georgia as tourists. Some indicated a preference for a virtual (Zoom) workshop due to travel restrictions or health concerns.

Some reasons why October 2020 may be a very good time to have a scientific meeting in Tbilisi are listed at

David Tomanek
Professor of Physics

Relation to the GTUnano20 Conference

There is no relation between the GTUnano20 conference and Tnano20. I have not been involved in the GTUnano20 organization besides offering my assistance as detailed in my above message. I am unaware of any communication between the GTUnano20 organizers and the participants. As potential organizer of Tnano20, I have no access to GTUnano20 databases of registrations or other information. I can provide no assistance with GTUnano20.